Movie review: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

digresssmlOriginally published July 4, 1997, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1233

Last year’s “yet” film was Independence Day. A “yet” film, for those who missed the column or else simply have more important things on their mind (like, well… anything, I guess) is one wherein you don’t simply ask friends, “Have you seen (fill in the blank)?” Instead you ask, “Have you seen (fill in the blank) yet?” because it’s simply a given. It crosses genre lines and interest lines, cutting a swathe across the American movie-going consciousness and, by the way, sucks up dollars in the same manner that–these days–Rob Liefeld attracts negative press.

This year’s “yet” film is, of course, the movie that you’ve already seen: The Lost World: Jurassic Park, in which the dinosaurs look great.