X-Factor #240 Cover

This is the cover to “Run, Layla, Run.” In this issue, Layla has 23 minutes to get across, on foot, a gridlocked, blacked out NYC, so she can save a teenaged girl’s life. I just LOVE this cover and am sharing it with you.

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The Supreme Court Passes Romneycare!

Mitt must be so proud!

Seriously, the GOP was in a much better spin position if SCOTUS had punted health care. If they voted it down, Romney gets to say, “We were right and the Supreme Court said so! Vote for us!” But they supported it, and so the GOP gets to add it to their wish list of things they want to take away, including a woman’s right to choose and gay marriage. If you want things that other people care about to go away, vote Romney!

As opposed to the Democrats who, if it had been voted down, would have been hard-pressed to be heard above Fox leading the GOP “Whoop! Whoop!” chant.