Why print news is inherently superior to televison news

When the SCOTUS decision came down, Kath and I were in a car somewhere in Pennsylvania en route to New York. Radio reception was for crap since we were in the mountains. So Kath, using her iPad, went to the website of the New York Times. Here is, from rough memory, what the paper of record had up a couple minutes after ten o’clock:

The Supreme Court has released its decision on health care. We are reading the decision and will provide a detailed report once we are confident in the accuracy of our analysis.

Meanwhile at that exact moment, both CNN and Fox were busy providing reportage about the decision that was 180 degrees wrong.

All reporters love scoops as much as anyone else, but I think television is more interested in getting news first while newspapers–at least the good ones–are more interested in getting news right.


Movie review: Batman and Robin

digresssmlOriginally published July 18, 1997, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1235

Let us now praise famous butlers…

Just as “But the dinosaurs were great” became my personal mantra for slogging through The Lost World, I very quickly found that a new mantra helped to stabilize me and anchor me through the assault on both my visual senses and reasoning faculties called Batman and Robin, as follows:

Thank God for Michael Gough.