Is a class action suit against the GOP possible?

There is little to no doubt that the GOP-driven endeavors to block voting for legitimate (and likely Democratic) voters in a number of states has nothing to do with voter fraud and everything to do with trying to tilt the odds in their favor for the next election.

So I, with my complete lack of education in the law, find myself wondering whether disenfranchised voters constitutes a class in and of themselves and they can actually sue the entirety of the Republican party in general and in specific the legislatures in the nine states that are complicit in this indisputably partisan endeavor? Of course, the whole point of this exercise is to target the poor and those least likely to have the resources to defend their rights, so it’s not likely to happen. But I still wonder if it’s possible?


Fighting Digression

digresssmlOriginally published October 17, 1997, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1248

One never knows.

With all the topics I write about, all the opinions I toss around—what column of mine drew the single greatest number of comments? The one where I took the liberty of lettering Rob Liefeld’s first issue of Captain America, making use of the special preview which Rob had graciously supplied.

Well, since Rob was kind enough to provide a similar preview of Fighting American at the Chicago con this year, I decided to take another stab at it. I hope it will meet with the same degree of amusement afforded by my previous endeavors.

So I present: Fighting Digression.

Adventures in Lima: Getting There

So a few weeks ago I attended a book fair in Lima, Peru. I was asked to go by the State Department; apparently I’d gotten good feedback from the folks in Uruguay a year or two ago. So when this Lima Book Fair, a co-production of the Lima government and the State Department, appeared on the horizon, I was suggested by the State Department as a guest (along with several other folks) and it seems the people in Lima were really enthused by that. Of course, since they all read translations of my work, I’m figuring it’s more of an endorsement of the translator’s skill than anything else.

Anyway, as I’ve learned with my multiple adventures getting into and out of Canada, nothing comes easily for me when it involves air travel.

From the Jokes File

digresssmlOriginally published October 10, 1997, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1247

Well, once again I find myself under the deadline gun. I guess the worst thing you can do for a writer is hire him, thus leaving him all sorts of cause for complaint. Which is particularly upsetting because I wanted to talk about the settling of the Planet Comics case. But that’ll have to wait until next week, and I’ll have to push back the brand new relettered Fighting American another week as well. So here, once again, is humor from the computer barrel drawn from the apparently endless gags that folks keep sending me.