The Ultimate Reason to Vote Against Romney

In the year 2000, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital took over KB Toys, a company that has made children happy since 1922.

In no time flat, Mitt Romney and his associates saddled KB with massive debt and drove it into bankruptcy while pocketing $83 million dollars for themselves.

The ramifications of this are obvious:

Mitt Romney doesn’t care about making children happy.

Mitt Romney doesn’t care about toys.

If Mitt Romney doesn’t care about making children happy and Mitt Romney doesn’t care about toys…

It means Mitt Romney doesn’t care about Santa.

And if Mitt Romney doesn’t care about Santa, then Mitt Romney doesn’t care about Christmas.

And if Mitt Romney doesn’t care about Christmas, then that means he’s part of the war against Christmas.

Don’t join the war against Christmas.

Vote Obama.

Thank you.