Half a Million

digresssmlOriginally published February 20, 1998,  in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1266

“Only half a million copies.”

It was some years back, during the pinnacle of the sales boom for comic books. There was an editor walking around the offices at Marvel Comics, and he was sorely distressed, angry and disappointed.

You may ask, Why was he so angry?

Go ahead. Ask.

I’m not going to tell you unless you ask. Come on. Say it out loud. Say it with me: Why was he so angry?

(Having learned your lesson from last week’s column, I can only assume that you have very wisely said out loud, “Why was he so angry?” thereby getting some rather odd looks from anyone who might be nearby you. Don’t worry about them. They’re probably working for the Starr Chamber, trying to determine whether or not you had an affair with Bill Clinton. Just glance their way, nod, smile, and make no sudden movements, and you should be fine. Where was I? Ah yes.)