The Cartoon Laws of Physics, and More

digresssmlOriginally published March 20, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1270

More assorted things…

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On Usenet, a fellow named Greg D. posted, “I’ve been searching, with no success, for a Kingdom Come Theme for Windows 95.”

I have no idea what this means. I’m sure that lots of other people do, but I don’t. However, anyone who reads this column on any sort of regular basis knows that lack of knowledge on a subject has never slowed me down before.

So, ever-eager to be helpful, I composed the following, which I dubbed, “The Theme To Kingdom Come.” Considering I wrote it online in about ten minutes, it’s not half-bad. Not half-good either, but not half-bad. I’m not even going to bother to tell you what super-hero-related tune it’s set to; it should be fairly obvious. Heck, if it’s not obvious, then telling you wouldn’t help.