Riding Out the Hurricane

Somewhat blustery here so far, but otherwise we’re not doing anything especially different. Hope all is well where you all are.


33 comments on “Riding Out the Hurricane

  1. Be safe.

    Maybe it’s time for Caroline to invoke her previously demonstrated weather control powers again?

    Or do they only work to *bring* snow?


  2. “Hope all is well where you all are.”

    Well, I’m in San Diego so, yeah, everythings cool here! But thanks for your concern. %^)

    But seriously, keep the family safe and sound. Thoughts and prayers are with all east coasters…

  3. So far just light misting and blustry as all heck here in the Spfld., MA area… But of course, there is still much to come. Hope everyone stays well!

  4. All of a sudden I envision PAD being like Lt. Dam and strapping himself to the roof of his house while screaming at the storm.

  5. You know, ever since I saw Grease I knew Sandy would be trouble.

    “She’s got winds, they’re multiplyin’ and she’s losin’ control . . . ”

    Anyway, puns aside, the only big deal with me here in the Upstate of New York is that they cancelled classes at the University at Albany. They’re probably worried about the people who have to drive a fair distance to get to class. Some people come from out in the boonies to get their education.

  6. Just looked outside for the first time in half an hour or so, and noticed that the rain has started in ernest. Not yet looking much more horrible then an avarage strong rainstorm, although the wind is of course a bit more then avarage. If this is just the beginning, however, I feel somewhat glad I’m on a third floor apartment.

    Has the rain started coming down stronger where you are, PAD?

  7. For some reason, same as last year’s hurricane, my little area of Babylon seems to strangely unaffected by floods or outages.

    Hope Casa De David will be similarly affected. Or at the very least, 80% less floods and trees down in your area.

  8. Stay safe and please…don’t take a shower out in this storm too. Here in MA,it is just a lot of wind.

  9. Ever since I started reading about the possibility of this storm I couldnt stop thinking about PAD and his backyards shower last time. Since Michael broke the ice on that one I can finally mention it and, again, beg you not to do it.
    Hope you and yours fare the storm just fine. The pictures people are tweeting from Manhattan are scary. Amazing but also really scary. NY is the only place in the East Coast Ive been too and it’s surreal to see it like that.

  10. Likewise here in northern NJ. Lots and lots of wind, a few power flickers, but we’ve been lucky so far. The pics coming out of lower Manhattan are truly scary.

    Everyone in the area, be well.

    1. Naturally, we lost power 15 minutes after I wrote the above. We just got it back — 48 hours or so. Could’ve been much worse.

      Hope everyone is and continues to be well.

  11. Hope things are still uneventful. The storm stranded me in Central, VA – but despite some dire predictions, we haven’t seen more than heavy drizzle (albeit nonstop) and a gusty breeze. Hopefully it stays that way.

  12. The photos and video are insane. It reminds me a lot of the Flood of ’93.

    This really is sounding like the kind of storm that NYC had been hoping would never strike again, as it sounds like the impact of Irene last year – at least on NYC – has got nothing on what this one has already done.

  13. In case you’re wondering, this is the world we woke up to:

    1) No electricity, but the generator churning away. No television. However by 10 AM both had been restored.

    2) Half of a tree in the back had broken off and shattered a chunk of the neighbor’s fence. So I guess we’re gonna have to fix that. Everything else is intact.

    Pretty mild considering what others had to deal with.


    1. Glad you made it through with so little damage. My NY realtives (in Nassau County) also made it through with just losing power (no generator there), a few shingles, and a gutter.

    2. Boy, you got power back fast. I have friends out there who don’t expect to see power for over a week.

      Hoping that at some point you will offer some thoughts on the Lucasfilm-Disney deal. It’s tiny potatoes next to the storm and all, but I bet as a writer, a fan, and an employee of Disney through Marvel, you have some things to say. On another board, I nominated you as the Marvel writer I most would want to see write a Star Wars comic if the franchise moves. (Not that I want to see Dark Horse lose it.)

    3. you said, “Half of a tree in the back had broken off and shattered a chunk of the neighbor’s fence. So I guess we’re gonna have to fix that.”

      Actually, insurance wise – If your tree fell on their fence, *Their* insurance is what covers it. Your insurance company will deny the claim. If you feel personal guilt, the fence is coming out of your own pocketbook. Usually, the only exceptions to this is if you have been warned (preferably in writing) that your tree was a danger and hazard *and* you failed to take adequate steps. If both of those are true, your neighbor may have an insurance claim against you. Even then, it usually winds up being more a case of your insurance co reimbursing your neighbor for his deductible.

      Of course, that is the insurance end of things. Nothing says you can’t pay for it out of good neighborship.

  14. In the end, nothing much happened where I am other then some heavy rain overnight, and it is still somewhat windy out right now… but nothing ever got excessively so.

    Glad to hear everyone in your family is okay PAD, and I hope the same goes for anyone else who reads this who is in an affected area.

    (I suppose for those not in affected areas… I hope your families are okay, too. There’s just less reason to assume it might be otherwise. But I don’t want you to think I wish your loved ones ill!)

  15. I’m almost feeling guilty that the worst we got was minor power flickers (longest was an hour) and loss of cable and internet for 12 hours, forcing us to actually read books and converse with each other.

  16. Got lucky in Yonkers, all that happened was the lights flickered a few times but never went out. My mom in East Northport wasn’t so lucky, but my sister in Farmingville never lost power. My wife hasn’t gone to work this week because there’s no MetroNorth service to Manhattan yet.

  17. Glad to see so many regulars posting that they’re (basically) doing well.

    Stay warm, stay dry and hopefully you’ll have everything up and running again sooner rather than later.

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