Cat Update

The biopsy came back on the mass that the doctor removed from his hindquarters.


The upside to that pronouncement is that the doctor was able to remove all of it in the surgery. And it’s a type of cancer that such a 100% removal can serve as a curative. So basically we have to keep an eye on Treat from here on to make sure there’s no recurrence.


11 comments on “Cat Update

  1. Sad to hear Treat had cancer, but hopefully he’ll be okay after this. My cat Shadow has had liver problems and recently had a tumor where instead of surgery, a steroid injection was given to shrink it, so while it has shrunk, we still have to watch him.

    Though, I still can’t explain his temporary desire to play baseball…

  2. Yay for the upside, but not for the added worry that I know this will bring in future. All I can add is let him know you love him and take each day as it comes.

  3. Glad to see that the bad news was at least given with more than a good chance of hope. Here’s to everything working out well for Treat.

  4. Best of luck to the kitty. By the time my cats tumor bled to alert anyone, it was too deep in the leg for anything short of amputation. We just kept her on painkillers until quality of life was impossible. Keep an eye out.

  5. Obviously this is mixed news, but that sounds like the odds are very good for a full recovery. Best wishes to Treat!

  6. Been there. We were able to get an oral chemo therapy drug for one of our dogs who had a growth on his pancreas. It cost an arm and a leg, but it’s better than traditional chemo.

  7. PAD,

    Hope all works out well for Treat. My dog lived for several years after her initial diagnosis and treatment for cancer.


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