22 comments on “Is the world over yet? No?

  1. I have to give back all the stuff those people gave me now.. Dammit. Plus I have to Christmas shop too.

  2. Well, as any member of the Subgenius religion will tell you, the world will really end on July 5th, 1998.

    Hail “Bob”!

    1. Oh, do you work for the Post Office, too? I’ve put in four consecutive 12-hour days so far.

  3. I figured it out. The Mayans weren’t wrong. It was just a matter of a phonetic mix-up. We thought they were saying the world would end today. No, today marked the end of “the Wyrlde” (same pronunciation as “world”, which is what caused the confusion), which is as mind-numbingly boring a game as “Monopoly”, and one that goes on almost as long.


  4. In other news, this morning a street performer was hit by a car in New Orleans’ French Quarter.

    An ambulance wa summoned, and the paramedic was heard to remark disgustedly “Oh, come on! It’s the end of the world and I heal mimes?”

  5. “Write comic books until the End of the World” doesn’t seem like such a smart retirement plan now, does it?

  6. I received an advertisement from Sears today that said basically the same thing as this post:

    “The Mayans were wrong! Better start your holiday shopping now.”

  7. To all those who prepared for a doomsday that didn’t happen and feel miserable about it: Cheer up — it’s not the end of the world.

  8. Hëll with the world ending, I’m just glad this dámņëd week is over! Between my brother loosing his job and my breaks failing and getting no orders at work and mail screw-ups and on and on and on, the apocalypse would have almost been a blessing. But hey, it hasn’t been a TENTH as bad a December as years past, so there’s that.

  9. Put them on the credit card, Peter: It wasn’t the end of the world, but the end of the year IS coming, and it looks like Obama will pull everyone over the cliff (or the other cliff, or the other cliff, or the other cliff, &c.).

    Let’s see: The United States goes into recession, it can’t help Spain, Italy, or anyone else get out of their hole, the Chinese lose their number-one market, their economy tanks, and they blame it on the Japanese. Iran finally gets its nuclear weapon, and we borrow even more money to go take it away from them. The Russians side with the Iranians and train their nuclear weapons back on us…

    Yes, Peter, put the bills on the credit card!

    1. Wow, you really do take the cake, don’t you? A light-hearted post about the failed Apocalypse, and you go and turn it political.

      Please don’t mind the almondy flavor in the cake.

  10. This is what I posted on Facebook:

    Humanity, by nature, is afraid of the dark. Whether this is a rational fear or not – because those same monsters we fear in the dark are also there during the light hours – it still is a fear.
    And so we come to this, the Winter Solstice: the longest night, the longest dark of the year. This is where, traditionally, people celebrate. As a certain fictional Time Lord said, “Well done. Well done, everyone! We’re halfway out of the dark.”
    This is where the New Year begins. This is where everyone who thinks the Mayans predicted the end of the world got it wrong. This is where every year ends. This is where civilizations based their calendars as a starting point (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s the beginning of the great trip back into the light.
    I hear more and more about what the “Reason For The Season” is, and how we should say Merry Christmas, or whatever. Truthfully, that reason is for the Solstice. Because historically, now is when the sun is coming back. Now is when we can look forward to the planting of the crops, the birthing of the lambs and the water isn’t frozen.
    And so we celebrate. We’ve named it after the birth of Christ; the Romans celebrated the birth of Mithras – a god of soldiers born under a single star and surrounded by animals. Almost every culture celebrated the ending of the dark. And because we are humanity, we’ve assigned spiritual significance to this annual celestial occurrence. That’s fine. We’re human, we need reasons.
    But in the end, it’s the ending of the dark, and the beginning of the light. This is what is happening, this is the reason.
    So, happy Winter Solstice everyone! And now we begin that long trip back into the light.
    Which means it’s getting closer to motorcycle weather 🙂

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