Merry Christmas the 2012 Edition

I woke up on my own about 6:30 and went to check on Caroline who was awake and ready to get up. We snuck quietly downstairs to check out the tree. Ariel joined us shortly thereafter.

Last night we performed the rituals that I have done since I can remember.

This morning we open presents, eat eggs benedict, and enjoy being in each other’s company.

Later we are going to go see Les Miserables with my sister Sheila. Or at least that is the current plan.

This evening I will be visiting with friends and catching up on people’s lives that I see only a few times a year and they don’t blog or use social media much.

Tomorrow I am going to see my brother and his family and then we are off to Florida to see Shana and a few other folks as well.

There is a comfort in knowing what the next couple of days are going to be and what will be happening. There will be adventure and surprises along the way with not knowing how things are going to play out but that is part of life.

Right now I am watching my daughter read her new Monster High book and, occasionally, share passages with me that she find very funny. She is curled up on the couch like I use to do with my new book(s) as Christmas enjoying herself. And the circle continues.

I wish you all a good holiday and a pleasant day.

I am grateful for my mother’s Eggs Benedict. It is really really good.

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