Up in Canada

Just here for two days and will be back in time for Caroline’s birthday. Working with a video company up here (can’t tell you which one) to produce a new video game (can’t tell you which one.) Once I’m free to tell you more info, I’ll be here to provide it.

Meanwhile it seems DC is getting closer to moving to Burbank. I’ve been hearing about this for years but now it seems matters are coming to a head.


Xena: The Filksong

digresssmlOriginally published May 22, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1279

And now, with the artistic assist of Mr. Richard Howell, and the lyrical aid of Kathleen O’Shea—and in the spirit of this issue’s CBG theme—BID presents a musical interlude that will be of great amusement to Xena fans and utterly incomprehensible to anyone who doesn’t watch the series. The tune to which the following is set should be immediately obvious (Hint: No, it’s not “The Yellow Rose of Texas.”)

The BID Pronunciation Guide

digresssmlOriginally published May 15, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1278

Assorted stuff…

* * *

When I was eight years old I encountered a DC hero whose name featured a prefix I had never seen before. I pronounced it “A-KEW-uh Man.” In short order, though, I decided that A-KEW-uh Man made no sense. So I brought the comic to my dad and asked him how to pronounce it. He said, “AH-kwa-man.” I said, “What’s ‘Aqua’?” He said, “You have a dictionary. Look it up.” I did so, and discovered that it referred to water.

In the interest of clarity, DC may want to consider changing the character’s name to “Water Man” to accommodate those kids who have no parents and/or no dictionary. Until then, he’ll probably never be as popular as Marvel’s guy, the Sub-Muh-REE-ner.

Yes, I Once Again will be Hauling the Spider-Man Balloon

In the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, I will be one of the devoted hauls of the Spidey balloon. I’ve no idea if I’ll be visible (probably not) but my understanding is that it’s scheduled to be on TV sometime between 10:30 and 10:45 tomorrow morning. (Note revised time)

For every more sane person out there (which is most of you) have a great Thanksgiving.