
So we decided that this weekend we would head down to the Farpoint convention. It had been off the charts for quite some time since originally I was going to be getting out on the 15th, and it would’ve been impossible to coordinate. But when they moved my release date forward to the eighth, suddenly it became a possibility again. However, the convention committee kept the possibility of my appearance as a secret, because I did not want to disappoint people if I didn’t feel up to coming at the last moment. But come Friday, I felt up to going and Kathleen was willing to handle the driving requirements of getting down there.

I’m so glad we did. We arrived during opening ceremonies on Friday night, and when they announced my presence and brought me on stage, the response was a several minute standing ovation. I was, frankly, astounded at the response. I mean, I figured it was just me, you know? I hardly thought people’s response would be so vociferous. But it was, and I was deeply moved. People came out of their way the entire convention to greet me and thanked me for showing up. Many even said the convention would not have been the same if I wasn’t there. I’m really not sure how to react to such aggressive appreciation. All I know is that it was very sweet and very much appreciated.


Peter David Benefit Art Auction is LIVE

Remember how we told you a while back one of the ways to help Peter was an art auction that JK Woodward was organizing?

Well it is now live for bidding and all the pieces are breathtaking. There are some iconic pieces and some that you are going to have to see to believe.

You can find the auction on JK’s site here.

There are hot links to bid on these lovely pieces at his site.

And even if you can’t afford the art, please help us spread the word far and wide on all our social media platforms so as many people as possible get a chance to participate in this chance to help Peter.

Every tweet, share, or whatever the kids are doing now does help to get the word out.

Thank you all for all your support. It means a lot to both Peter, the girls, and me.


And if I can figure out how to get some of the art photos here, I will be adding them.

We made it home

God knows it wasn’t easy. We had to deal with a plethora of canceled flights due to the storm. Fortunately enough we had the luck and resources to make it home yesterday afternoon a mere one hour behind our scheduled flight.

It is truly remarkable to be back home again. I will never forget the people like Ali and Sarah who helped rebuild my body in Florida so that I can at least walk somewhat. Now it’s up to me to continue that work over the next months in order to fully recapture what my body could do before.


Kathleen is here

She got here just before noon, exactly as planned. The next day or so she will be working with my various caseworkers to learn all the things she’s going to have to know to take care of me at home. She have to get up at 430 in the morning to catch an airplane and is exhausted, and so is napping on my bed right now. It’s great to have her here.