How you can Help Peter: Ariel’s Auction request and JK Woodward’s Art Auction

We have two fundraisers that are going at this point.

One is being spearheaded by Ariel.

From the Desk of Ariel L. David
First of all I just wanted to thank everyone for their support. You do not know what a big impact it has made both emotionally and physically. It is always wonderful to hear that someone has bought a book or left a nice message. It brings smiles and hope to my family. Second, as many of you know I’m planning to do an auction to try to raise money for the medical bills. I wanted to ask for donations of items and such for us to auction. If you have anything please email me at help4PAD (at) gmail (dot) com. We are planning an auction at the convention Farpoint Valentine’s weekend. Also once I have enough items I will be working with Glenn Hauman to set up an online auction as well.

The other is being spearheaded by JK Woodward who has been the Fallen Angel artist since it moved from DC to IDW

Here is the information that JK sent me.

Here’s all the info so far:
Peter David Art Auction In Development

Peter David Art Auction in Progress

And I’ll be announcing the auction which goes live on 2/13/13 my blog 
I’ll also be announcing any further developmeants and new artist there as well.

(Kath back)
So there you have it. Two new ways to help Peter.

Again the wider that we can put this out on the net, the better chances we have for success.

I can say that the scary bills from last month are showing up in the mail box and they are very scary. Again I would to thank Marvel Entertainment for all their support and the insurance that they provide us. If I needed proof that the healthcare system in America is not in great shape, I got it in spades in my mailbox this week.