A Test of the Complete Lapse of Good Taste System

digresssmlOriginally published October 23, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1301

Warning: The following is a test of the Complete Lapse of Good Taste System. This is only a test.



NEW YORK, Oct. 1, 1998 (UP) – Marvel Comics has recalled a bestselling issue that contained an anti-Semitic slur, the New York Post reported today.

5 Months Later

Yesterday marked 5 months since Peter had his stroke. And what did he do? He went to the premiere of After Earth at the Ziegfeld and then to the after party. We saw our friends at Overbrook along with the rest of the floating heads for Mystery Trekkie Theater (yes, they have picked the episode and no, I won’t tell you what it is but it is gonna be a lot of fun so mark your calendars now for that Sunday slot at Shoreleave that we have grown to know and love). Caroline got to talk to Jaden so she is over the moon right now.

It is amazing to me how far he has come since the stroke stopped attacking his body. We have a tentative diagnosis for what has been going on with the shoulder. They think he has frozen shoulder syndrome. There are ways to counteract it but he has another MRI scheduled to make sure this isn’t any more damage.

He is typing now along with dictating. He is typing as long as he can before switching to dictate. He has been writing the end of X-Factor along with some other projects.

He continues both physical and occupational therapy. That is where we get our empirical evidence that he is improving slowly. They have been measuring what he could do when he got there and what he can do now and the results are encouraging.

Everyone who talked to him at Phoenix Comic Con can attest to how well he is doing. We also got to thank people in person for all their help and well wishes. Wil Wheaton told me that he boosted the signal for Peter on his twitter feed.

There are good days and bad days. He injured his right calf muscle just about right after he had gotten his gait pretty much back to normal so he didn’t need his cane of support. This has now solved itself. He bowled rather well this past Tuesday.

We are still very grateful to everyone who has helped us on this unexpected journey. Your good thoughts and support have helped us through a pretty dark time. I am seeing light at the end of this tunnel and I don’t believe it is the oncoming train.

I am opening this thread to questions you care to ask. Please do understand if we can’t answer it. We live in a household of NDAs and the like. This can be questions for Peter, Caroline or me.

In other household news, Ariel has her driver’s license and has been driving. She graduated from college but will be going back to finish up her masters next year. Anyone know anywhere that is looking for an early elementary school teacher to start in the Fall of 2014?

Wanna find us at Phoenix Comic Con?

Kath here. I thought I would post our schedule and where Peter’s table is this weekend.

The table is at 2416. We are right across from the Mysterious Galaxy booth.

Caroline is selling her artwork at a 1.00 a drawing. I have a couple of Phluzzies for sale. Peter has a lot of books including Pulling Up Stakes and the Camelot Papers.

Peter’s Schedule is as follows


In Defense of Bruce Banner (presented by Drawn to Comics)
RM 126AB

Spotlight: Peter David
RM 124A

A Day in The Strife: The Making of Babylon 5
RM 128

Phoenix Con Puppet-slam
RM 122
(We are doing Lord of Time again so if you missed it at DragonCon, here’s your chance to see it)

We are at the table all Day


Creating with Someone Else’s Sandbox
RM 104B

So come on by and say Hi.

Image: A Look Back

digresssmlOriginally published October 9, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1299

So was it worth it? Image, I mean. Understand, I’m not speaking of the company in the past tense, although some people already are.

I’m speaking of the original launch, filled with high-flown cries of independence. A group of friends, banding together and displaying their independence, thumbing their collective nose at the Big Two in general and Marvel in particular. Friends, going into business together. “Friends and business, now there’s a volatile mix,” I said, and was roundly castigated for it.

Peter Apologizes for Everything

digresssmlOriginally published October 2, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1298

It is a time of national contrition.

Bill Clinton, whose inability to take responsibility for any gaffes or apologize for anything, has launched his Atonement Tour ’98. It’s pretty impressive as he embraces the newfound ability to publicly say he’s sorry with the sort of eagerness and enthusiasm that is usually reserved for Born-Agains or recovering alcoholics who have made it to the atonement step.

Movie Review: Blade

digresssmlOriginally published September 25, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1297

I still remember the first time he showed up in Tomb of Dracula, with a bandolier full of wooden knives, tinted goggles, a duffle coat, and more attitude than any five vampire hunters put together. He called himself “Blade” (which, admittedly, if you’re going to name yourself after your weapon of choice, is probably a catchier name than “wooden knife”). It always seemed to me that, whereas Dracula seemed to hold the rest of the book’s supporting cast in open contempt, there was something about Blade that the master vampire found unnerving.

Perhaps he saw the movie potential. Perhaps somehow he was able to intuit that while Marvel’s headliners would wash out in a series of films that ranged from embarrassing (The Punisher, Howard the Duck—although I suspect that if they were making the exact same Howard script now with the duck done in CGI, the film would be a hit) to unreleasable (Captain America) to unreleased (The Fantastic Four) to unmade (Spider-Man, tangled—naturally—in litigation), that it would be this third string character in a second-string title (no offense, Marv) who would be the first to vault to the number one box office slot.