Archie and the Lawyer Guys, part 2

digresssmlOriginally published July 7, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1390

One of the best moments in Austin Powers is when Dr. Evil informs his son, Scott Evil, that he is about to place Austin in an “unnecessarily slow moving” death trap, which he will then not deign to watch. The reason is, of course, is that the hero is being given every opportunity to escape, as is standard in any action movie death-trap. An incredulous Scott, not able to wrap himself around the concept, keeps urging his evil father to keep it simple. “I’ll run upstairs, I’ll get my gun, it’ll take five seconds, we’ll shoot him, done. It’ll be fun!” Scott’s agitation grows as Dr. Evil consistently rejects the course of action which will unquestionably guarantee that Austin Powers will never bother him again.

Finally Dr. Evil looks sadly at his son and sighs, “Scott… you just don’t get it.”

He could just as easily have been talking about Archie Comics.

Guest column: Vic Chalker’s cousin, Geoff Neubee

digresssmlOriginally published June 30, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1389

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a guest column by superfan Vic Chalker. And it’s going to be a while longer. Instead we here at BID want to welcome to the fold Vic’s kid cousin, eleven year old Geoff Neubee. Geoff’s only been reading comics for a couple of years, but already has his older cousin’s unique perspective. Take it away, Geoff…

Spider-Man 2099

The news is officially out on Newsarama so I can tell you guys now: Yes, I will be writing the new Spider-Man 2099 comic. When word of this first circulated weeks ago, I really did NOT know I’d be on board. Marvel only contacted me two weeks ago about it.

The first issue ships in July. Be sure to be there.


Aquaman’s cancellation and Mission: Impossible 2

digresssmlOriginally published June 23, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1388

A couple of things…

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Folks are asking me my opinion on the announcement about the cancellation of Aquaman. Perhaps they think I’ll take some sort of glee or satisfaction in the demise of a title that I left in such frustration over.

Movie reviews: Battlefield Earth and more

digresssmlOriginally published June 16, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1387

I see dead movies…

I can’t help it. Call it an obsession, call it a sickness.

I’m not talking about going to see movies that critics say are stupid. There’s an overabundance of those, and if I spent all my time going to them, I’d never have a chance to see anything good (“good” being a relative term.) I’m not talking about films that are poorly or amateurishly shot, or badly acted, or badly written. I’m talking about the kinds of films that are so over-the-top awful that they can destroy careers and even entire movie studios.