There’s an announcement coming this Thursday

At least that’s when I’m told it will be coming, just in time for Emerald City Con.

It’s a really cool announcement. I hope you’re all jazzed by it. I know I am.


25 comments on “There’s an announcement coming this Thursday

  1. Come on, man… You’re basically giving us a teaser trailer for the trailer?

    Any hints at all?

  2. So you’re giving us a teaser trailer for the trailer? How about a hint. Just a little one.

    1. Sorry. Posted and got an error page. Came back and saw no post. Posted again and *whamo* two posts.

      Got a feeling that it’s gonna be that kind of week.

    1. A friend who worked for many years at Microsoft (and was there at the time of the announcement of the Surface tablet) had no idea until they actually announced the Surface what the “big announcement” MS had scheduled was going to be.

      He later found out that he would have had to sign a non-disclosure agreement saying that he wouldn’t reveal that he had signed the NDA (the one that said he wouldn’t disclose anything about the Surface) before he’d be allowed to know that the Surface NDA even existed, much less what it was about…

      Does that make sense? Can you folks parse it?

      It’s the best way i can think of to phrase it.

  3. I guess this means you’re not stepping in for Philip Seymour Hoffman in the next Hunger Games movie…

  4. You’re writing the next Trek film?

    Caroline’s sold her first solo novel?

    Someone wrote you a fan letter in iambic pentameter? (Hey, it involves writing.)

    Well, whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be interesting…

  5. Real long shots here but…

    Peter will be writing The Spider-Ham one shot for Spider-Verse.

    Peter will be co-writing a Hulk vs. Thor special with Walter Simonson.

    Peter will be writing the proposed Shadowcat regular series.

    Peter will be writing a revival of Marvel Two In One.

    and last but not least…

    Peter will be writing a revival of US 1.

  6. 1) x-factor cancelled and starting over with a new #1 in August??

    2) dc comics has hired Peter David to write….everything.

    3) president Obama has hired peter to rewrite the constitution for the 21st century.

  7. 1.You are the new head writer on the Agents of S.h.i.e.l.d tv show.

    2. You are writing one of the direct to Netflix Marvel live action shows.

    3. You are writing one of the Marvel Wave 3 movies. Maybe a Hulk movie.

  8. Your writing the Spidey 2099 revival?

    You beat up and maimed whoever was assigned to the Spidey 2099 revival and took over writing chores?

    You murdered Nick Lowe and had his final act as new Spidey editor be assigning you to Spidey 2099?

  9. OT: Jason Aaron just concluded his first arc on Amazing X-Men, featuring Nightcrawler’s resurrection and battle in Hëll. And even though I knew it was never going to happen I kept hoping for a Guido cameo or just some short tossed off acknowledgment about being in his domain. I mean it’d be one thing if this were two books in two entirely different corners in the marvel universe, but they’re both X-books under the same editor for fugs sakes!

    It kinda reminded of Warren Ellis’ Beast in Secret Avengers strictly warning that time travel was a recursive loop and that absolutely nothing must be done to upset the delicate balance… Only to have Bendis’ Beast just say fûçk it and bring back the entire time displaced original just fûçkìņg cuz.

    It’s šhìŧ like this that makes me long for the Jim Shooter days when the Marvel Universe was actually the MARVEL universe and not just a bunch of ancillary titles that connect once a year during w/e B.S. blockbuster event Bendis can hatch up. *sigh*

    1. Guido showed up as ruler of Hëll in Thunderbolts. Mephisto tried to get the T-Bolts to take him down in exchange for getting them out of Hëll (somebody had trapped them there). Haven’t heard how that ended.

      1. It ended with the T-Bolts succeeding, Mephisto getting his mojo back, and Guido staying in Hëll to find his soul.

        It’s not clear if Charles Soule has a plan for following up on Guido’s quest, but since Soule will be stepping away from Thunderbolts in a couple of months, it probably won’t be in that book.

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