A Decent Proposal, Part 1

digresssmlOriginally published October 27, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1406

“I have a plan… and it’s so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel.”—Edmund Blackadder

I wasn’t going to write about this, but several friends of mine in the fan community have told me I should because they thought you guys might be interested. And I suppose it’s somehow appropriate: Although it was never anything I’ve intended, I’ve lived my life in this column. Ups, downs, good times and bad; it’s been like weekly therapy sometimes, the differences being that I don’t have to pay for it and I’ve got about twenty thousand therapists… most of whom don’t say all that much to me in terms of guidance, but then again, many therapists just sit and listen, and the only time they speak is when they say, “Time’s up.”


I decided to ask Kathleen, my girlfriend of three years, to marry me.