To be a Supergirl

digresssmlOriginally published January 5, 2001, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1416

The following arrived via email the other day:

I’ve always wanted to be Supergirl. I’m 12 years old, my name is Ashley. I have prayed and prayed for it to come true but nothing ever happened. So one day I went to school this boy named Justin who says he was Superman and he could fly that day I was wearing my Supergirl shirt. He looked at my shirt and laughed. No one believes in me. I don’t even believe in me. So please let me know if you can help me or if you could believe in me. It makes me sad to think about how me myself doesn’t believe in me. Please write me back.

Your Friend Always,


What would Obama have to do to win Fox’s approval?

I find it somewhat amazing that no matter what Obama does–get prisoners back, leave prisoners where they are, fight wars, walk away from wars–no matter what he does, Fox finds some way to find the negative. Okay, maybe “amazing” is too predictable a word; it’s pretty much expected by now.

But I find myself wondering: what, if anything, could Obama do that Fox would NOT find the downside of? I mean, I don’t recall if they managed to find the downside of killing bin Laden, but I find myself curious. What could Obama do that Fox would applaud? I mean, if he resigned from the presidency, which is the ultimate goal, they’d denounce him as a quitter. Is there ANYTHING that he could do that Fox would approve of?



Movie reviews: Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense

digresssmlOriginally published December 29, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1415

There is much talk of how director/writer/producer M. Night Shyamalan (wouldn’t it be fun if the “M” stood for “Moon?”) has managed, with remarkable ingenuity, to sneak a “comic book movie” into the public perception without the public being aware—until the movie has actually started—that a comic book movie is what’s being seen. Which he did. But it’s not the first time he’s done it.

The Escape Artist

So when I was flying back on British Air from the London convention in February, I watched the first half of an incredibly gripping drama called “The Escape Artist” starring David Tennant as a defense lawyer who has never lost a case. But his life and family fly apart when he defends a psycho who, once freed on a technicality, turns his attention to Tennant.

The first half was marvelous, and then I discovered that British Air didn’t have the second half on their entertainment system. So when I came home, I tried to find it on DVD. No luck. I looked on line. No luck.

Four frustrating months later, it suddenly turned up on public television. Even better, it’s on DVD.

Go get your hands on it. It’s fantastic.


Bush vs. Gore vs. Nader: The Musical

digresssmlOriginally published December 15, 2000, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1413

I fell asleep watching CNN and its continuous coverage of the presidential mess—and I had a dream. In my dream, Bush, Gore, and Nader were each reading newspapers while “Fugue for Tinhorns” from Guys and Dolls was playing. Bush’s headline read, “Bush Wins!” Gore’s read, “Gore’s Got More!” Nader’s read, “Nader The Spoiler!” Then there was a trumpet fanfare, they lowered their papers, and each sang in succession…