Seriously, GOP? Seriously?

When he was voted into office, tons of people encouraged Obama to level war crime charges against Bush and Cheney.

And it would have been totally legitimate. They demonstrably lied to everyone in order to wage war.

But Obama said no. He didn’t feel that he should be prosecuting his predecessor.

So now the GOP is readying plans to impeach Obama. For issuing fewer executive orders than his predecessors.

Jesus Christ. Remember that guy in “Guardians of the Galaxy” who says, “What a bunch of a-holes?” He’s talking about the GOP.


Marvel and Retailers: the Slashback program

digresssmlOriginally published March 2, 2001, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1424

This week and next, we’re going to discuss various Marvel initiatives, ranging from sales to editorial stunts. So kick back and let’s see what’s going on at the house of ideas. This week:


Marvel’s relationship with retailers has always been prickly at best (hostile at worst.) One of my earliest recollections when I started in the Marvel sales department years ago was blithely hosting a retailer breakfast at a convention. I figured, y’know, feed them, run the Marvel slide show and talk about neat stuff coming up, and that would be that. Instead I wound up fielding one hostile question after another. I suddenly knew what it felt like to be a baby seal being clubbed. And that’s back when things were good in the marketplace.

In recent months it seemed that Marvel didn’t place much priority on endearing itself to its retailer base. One angry retailer sent me the following notice from Marvel, tucked into his Diamond mailing: