BID Mailbag: No More Mr. Nice Guy continued

digresssmlOriginally published December 28, 2001, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1467

I was both surprised and not surprised over the reactions I received to my column about my frustrations with fans.

Michael M. of Mechanicsville, MD, wrote in to say, “A few weeks ago you wrote in your CBG column about comic book fans and how basically we’re all a bunch of jerks. Being a fan for well over half my life, I kinda agree with you. Some of the things I have seen at conventions and read online are pretty nasty. For such a wonderful (medium) as comic books, why are so many fans such imbeciles?” Michael then went on to discuss an exception to this fan overview, namely his eight year old son, Jonathan (who obviously is exceptionally bright since his favorite comic was Spyboy.)

I am not surprised that Michael believes that I think fans are “all a bunch of jerks.” I had a feeling that would be the impression derived from the column, mostly as a result of the following paragraph: