State of the Union

I’m putting off watching SUPERNATURAL for this, so it’d better rock.

9:06: He makes his entrance. Let’s see how long it takes to get to the front.

9:08: God, his hair has gotten so gray.

9:09: Three minutes.

9:10: Good Christ, what the hëll has happened to Boehner’s skin? I mean, I know it was darker, but standing next to Biden, he looks like he’s turning into Pinocchio.

9:11: Which is driving the GOP nuts, of course.

9:13: Now if only they’d prosecuted the people who wrongfully sent those brave men and women overseas. You know: his predecessors.

9:15: Will we approach the world fearful and reactive? Depends if we watch Fox News.

9:15: If we get sorted into fractions, I want to be in Gryffindor.

9:18: Eleven million new jobs. Too bad Kath is still unemployed.

9:19: Finish college and go into huge debt because of student loans.

9:20: “Which you guys have tried to take away from them 53 times and still counting.”

9:21: Well, it’s terrible news to the GOP…

9:25: They’re applauding everyone playing by the same set of rules? Isn’t that kind of self-evident?

9:26: I notice Biden stopped standing. Maybe he felt stupid because he was standing and Boehner was sitting. Jesus, Boehner’s not even clapping. What a douche.

9:28: I take it back. Biden was standing. But not Boehner. Still not even clapping.

9:29: Was it always like this? Did the opposing party always sit on their hands no matter what the president said?

9:31: Pay nothing for community college? Well, you get what you pay for, I guess.

9:32: Or you could follow the West Wing plan and make college tuition tax deductible.

9:34: Boehner finally stood.

9:39: Since I have diabetes, I’m certainly all for curing it. I miss chocolate.

9:40: We launched a space craft? Did I miss something? Well, at least Boehner stood for the astronaut.

9:41: I wish he’d stop talking about bipartisanship. There is no bipartisanship. They can’t even all agree to applaud for him, much less pass laws.

9:43: I don’t think Boehner could look more constipated if he tried.

9:44: Right. The first response is to send in drones. Military is the second response.

9:44: We stand united with France except when we don’t show up for their march.

9:47: So he just warned Putin to stay the hëll out of the Ukraine.

9:48: That’s the quote so far: “When something you’ve been trying for 50 years doesn’t work, it’s time to try something new.”

9:51: By all means, respect our kids’ privacy, so they can blab everything about every aspect of their lives on the internet.

9:53: I wonder what percentage of the people in there still don’t believe in climate change.

9:56: Interesting. In his talk on values, the one thing no one applauded for was not condemning all Muslims.

9:57: Dude, you’ve been there for six years and you always talk about shutting down Gitmo. No one is being fooled by this point.

10:01: Nice that he’s behind gay marriage now considering Joe Biden had to push him into it.

10:03: It’s a wonderful vision. Too bad that tomorrow we’ll be right back to the usual BS.

10:07: “I know ’cause I won both of them.” Nice.

10:09: Yes we are.

Very good speech, I thought. Too bad the pundits will explain how much it sucked and how it was filled with self serving lies.