Vote for Me for the Hugos

It is my understanding that authors are supposed to remain silent when it comes to allowing fans to decide which books should be nominated for the Hugos. I have abided by that for the entirety of my life, and it is a life that remains untarnished by science fiction’s highest award. “Sir Apropos of Nothing,” “Tigerheart,” “Imzadi,” my Crazy 8 books, all have not blemished a nomination ballot. I have been a full time writer for nearly thirty years and silence has gotten me nowhere.


A book of mine called “ARTFUL” was published last year. Featuring the Artful Dodger going head to head with vampires in a pre-Victorian England, it has received a metric ton of four and five star reviews on Amazon (and a majority of one-star reviews were from people who didn’t actually read it.) I’m very proud of it. And I’m reasonably sure it is eligible for the Hugo, the World Fantasy award, and the Stoker.

I would very much like anyone who read it and loved it to consider nominating it for any or all of those awards.

Thank you.