A New Crazy 8 Anthology: PANGAEA

Millions of years ago (or, if you believe the opinions of some scientifically-challenged individuals, a few thousand years ago) all the land masses of the world were formed into a single super-continent that has come to be known as Pangaea. Eventually Pangaea split into the world that we know now.

Except…what if it hadn’t?

That is the question posed in the new Crazy 8 anthology PANGAEA which is now available at some of your better retail establishments such as Amazon.

All of the Crazy 8 authors, plus a few guests, contribute to PANGAEA, detailing a story that naturally goes off in a variety of directions but also drives through one single tale from beginning to end. I know, because I wrote the final story.

And I had lots of company: stories by Michael A. Burstein, Adam-Troy Castro, Russ Colchamiro, Kevin Dilmore, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Paul Kupperberg, Kelly Meding, Aaron Rosenberg, Lawrence M. Schoen, Geoffrey Thorne, and Dayton Ward.

So if you’re interested in supporting Crazy 8 and independent publishing, come get PANGAEA!

You can get it here.

And you can click here for the Kindle version.


Thank you, all

At this point over 500 people have wished me a happy birthday: far too many to thank individually. So I appreciate the kind wishes from all of you.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to return to contemplating why the hëll the day of atonement fell on my dámņëd birthday.


Trying to remember an episode of “The Avengers”

The lousy movie with Uma Thurman was on this morning and it put me in mind of a sequence from the old TV series that I’ve always remembered.

Steed and Peel are in a large room and they are confronted by something like a half dozen hostile guys. A door slides between them, separating them from each other. Emma is left with one guy while Steed has the remaining five. We stay with Emma and the battle that follows is a hëll of a fight. It takes Emma something like five minutes to take the guy down. She then runs to the door, opens it, and to her astonishment Steed is standing there calmly while the bodies of the five guys are lying unconscious on the floor.

Does anyone else remember that episode and which one it was?


Kim Davis is NOT Rosa Parks

Can everyone who declares that this Kentucky bigot is Rosa Parks please shut up and stop displaying their ignorance? Rosa Parks was about expanding civil liberties. Davis is about curtailing them. The two could not be more dissimilar.

You know what I love? Everyone who is quick to declare, “Well, of course she has the right to her beliefs.” Here’s a nutty idea: let’s argue she doesn’t. How about the idea that some concepts are so stupid, so backward, that people are NOT entitled to those beliefs? I mean, I don’t see people who are her supporters declaring, “Well, of course homosexuals have a right to be gay.” Why not? Because they DON’T believe that. They think that gays do NOT in fact have that right because it’s declared in the bible that they do not have that right. You know, the same book that says you shouldn’t eat shrimp.

So maybe it’s time we started treating people like Kim Davis in the exact same way that people like her treat the folks they don’t like. I say she has as much right to her opinion as gays have to be gay…and if she thinks they don’t have that right, then neither does she.


Happy Birthday, Kathleen

Today is Kathleen’s birthday. She does so much daily for Caroline and me that I’m pleased once a year she gets to have a day that is entirely devoted to her.

She worked herself ragged during Dragon*Con so it’s nice that she can take this day to sit around and just veg. I’ll take her out for a nice birthday lunch, and will do all that I can to make this a fun and memorable birthday for her. She is one of the greatest people in the world and I cannot imagine my life without her.