8 comments on “Dare I say “Let’s go, Mets”?

  1. I say, DARE! LETS GO METS!

    The beginning of the season I wore my Met cap with pride! Then they hit a terrible skid, I retired the cap and here we are!!! MET FANS UNITE !

  2. We don’t get these kind of rides very often, so I say enjoy it while we can. It’s the Mets so we can be pretty sure something odd will happen and every now and again the weird breaks our way. So Let’s Go Mets!

  3. I’m curious. This is a weird year in the National League and the Mets record would only be good for 4th place in the Central Division. Do you just feel gratitude to be in a weaker division or is there any guilt felt knowing that at least one team with a much better record will be eliminated after a one-game series and then have to face the team with the best over-all record in bball?
    Anyway, good luck to the Mets against the Dodgers.

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