I’m going off line for the next few days

Why? Because it’s the simplest way to avoid “Star Wars” spoilers. I do not believe for a moment that people will attend to the “No Spoilers!” pleadings that I’m seeing everywhere. So I figure the onus is on me to simply stay off line until I see it.

Which will be Thursday evening at 7 PM at a screening arranged by Fourth World Comics, my comics store in Long Island.


7 comments on “I’m going off line for the next few days

  1. Darth Vader is still dead, Alderan is still destroyed, and Luke and Leia are still not a thing (whew!)

    HA HA HA HA HA! I have SPOILED you!

    Oh, and happy holidays to you and yours. I hope that you’re fully recovered too.

  2. Good with your brief spoiler-free lifestyle. I’m also trying to avoid spoilers, but I’ll just avoid clicking on any articles that review or discuss the new STAR WARS movie.

    1. Back now.

      I thought Abrams really missed the point with Star Trek.

      I think he nailed it better than anyone has since Lucas on the first one with Star Wars

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