Is Rey a Mary Sue?

This will be the first of a few blogs I’ll be doing about “Star Wars.” I’m waiting a little before I do stuff with spoilers, but I thought I’d address this current bit of business that’s bopping around the internet. Namely, is Rey a Mary Sue?

The answer is, Of course not.

A Mary Sue is something very specific: a female hero substitute for a fannish author so that she can interact with Kirk or Spock or whomever. She is generally so fabulous in everything that she does that all the male characters fall in love with her. That’s Mary Sue.

It seems absurd to transform Mary Sue into the current definition that’s rattling around: the addition of a strong female character into an already existing universe. If we stick with that definition, Supergirl is a Mary Sue. So is Batgirl. Of more recent vintage, Silk.

Furthermore, Rey is not a Mary Sue for the simplest reason of all: the authors of the work are male. She can’t be wish fulfillment for a female writer because a female didn’t write it. End of story.

Glad I could clear that up.