4 comments on “Yes, I’ll be live blogging the VP debate

  1. God love you for it. I thought it might be a bit dull until i heard Pence used to be a radio announcer and Kaine was on the debate team. Perhaps it will actually be a debate?

  2. It used to be considered that the VP debate was where the real sharp barbs got tossed around. For obvious reasons this time that won’t be the case.

    Outside of Kaine & Pence’s home states you should expect low TV ratings, as this is a battle of What’s-his-name vs Who’s-that; moderated why Who’s-she from some streaming news channel no one’s even heard of, much less watched; being held at the campus of Obscure College (I believe they are the Fighting Afterthoughts)

    To be fair, this does open the possibility for real issues to get discussed. But somehow I doubt it will happen. The lure of the sensational personality clash will likely take the questions down that road, in spite of those personalities being absent from the stage.

  3. I am going to watch the season premiere of “The Flash”, where “making America great again” involves a temporal anomaly.

    But yeah, you go, PAD. Yea, civic duty…

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