I’ve been thinking about Trump

And I’ve decided that Hillary should be grateful that he is her opponent.

I want you to consider your own life. Think about the last twenty years of it. I want you to think about every single thing you’ve done that was positive. Now I want you to think about every mistake you’ve ever made.

Now imagine that there is a group of people who take every positive action and declare that it was wrongheaded and evil, try to prevent you from doing it, or try to undo it after you did it. And when it comes to your mistakes, they are blown up out of all proportion and linked together into a vast conspiracy that portrays you as power mad, money hungry, self-centered and cold.

With all that going on for nearly a quarter of a century:

How many people do you think would like you?

Not a lot.

Add to it that you’re a female. And if you think that doesn’t matter, then I want you to envision how far a three-time married, philandering, income tax dodging, racist serial liar would get in the campaign process if the person were female.