Trump demands drug test

Donald Trump demanded that drug tests be given before the next debate. I think that’s a great idea. Just think: what his test come back positive, he can then declare that the test was wrong and blame Hillary Clinton.


8 comments on “Trump demands drug test

  1. If this insanity keeps up, we are ALL going to need to take drugs just to forget this whole election.

  2. What I find funny is he’s suggesting this, even though “Seinfeld” taught us what it meant when someone sniffs so many times…

    1. It’s the usual Trump modus operandi: if he says someone is doing something, he’s actually doing it.

  3. Yeah, it seemed laughable. Carrie Fisher declared that her vast experience with cocaine told her that Trump showed clear signs of being a cokehead in the debates.

    I suspect that he’d want to make sure that the tests were limited to some specific “PEDs” that he thinks Clinton will test positive for and/or try to make sure that the testing is conducted by some lab he’s confident he can influence to make sure the tests come out “correctly.”

  4. The Donald has completely lost it and is just grasping at straws at this point.

    Americans don’t like either candidate, sure there’s less than a month till the election, but it’s time to flush both these floaters and get new candidates in there…

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