Well, I voted

For Hillary, of course.

If you have some BS reason for not voting, please keep it to yourself.

At least the voting doesn’t depend on Trump conceding. There’s no legal weight to the act at all. Let’s just hope it comes to that.


8 comments on “Well, I voted

  1. Congrats! I voted a few days ago myself. I really think the whole country would be better off as a whole if every state handled voting the way we do here in Oregon. Every registered voter in the state receives a ballot in the mail well in advance of the election, along with a pamphlet describing all of the candidates and ballot measures down to the local level. We have a couple of weeks to fill out our ballots and either mail them in or drop them off at any one of dozens of places around town. I think they’re hoping for something like an 80% turnout in this election, which, even if they miss the mark, would still be much, much higher than the national average.

    1. I believe they do the same in Washington (at least, my friend in that area keeps bragging about something similar). I agree, that should be the national standard. Might actually get a significant voter turnout, especially if no postage is required to send them back.

      1. Yes, they do the same thing in Washington.
        I see the long lines reported in the news and just find it unfathomable. While I miss the community feeling of going to a polling place, being able to vote early and by mail just makes so much sense.
        Only people opposed to free and fair elections and making sure every citizen gets to vote would argue against early voting and mail in ballots.

  2. I was told in no uncertain terms today that it’s illegal to say to the person in the booth next to you, “Psst! What’s the answer to the first question?”

  3. Hi, thanks for voting. I live in the UK and our news is pretty much obsessed with your election and has been for months except when we are talking about Brexit of course. I voted to remain part of the EU which according to my fellow countrymen make me a remoaner because I wanted to remain and now, according to the leavers, we are all moaning about it. Far from it, if the majority voted leave, we leave. At least our government can’t keep blaming the EU for everything and will have to take responsibility for once although I am sure they will find someone else to blame. Good luck, hope you get the best result for you, your country and the world.

  4. I didn’t vote. For some reason, you Americans have some rule against allowing foreigners living abroad to vote.

  5. Interestingly, according to early data one of the biggest splits in voting behaviors has been between college-educated and non-college-educated white Americans. Clinton is winning more college-educated whites than Democrats typically get, and she’s pulling so far a lot more college-educated white women. As several political annalists have discussed tonight, the gender gap that is often discussed as favoring the Democrats is actually a racial gap- if you remove black women it’s typically women voting Republican. She’s pulling far more white women; especially college-educated white women.
    But the key words over and over again when these groups she’s leading with are “college-educated.”
    It flashes back to his statement from the primaries.
    “We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”

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