Lightbulb Jokes

So for Caroline’s birthday dinner (she’s 14 today) we took her out for dinner at our local Outbacks. In the course of the evening, I was recalling an incident at another restaurant many years ago. There was a guy sitting near me who was out on a date with a girl, and he was trying to entertain her by telling her a series of lightbulb jokes.

And she wasn’t laughing, possibly because none of them were funny.

I paid my check and as I got up to leave, I saw a resigned expression on the girl’s face. I paused at their table and said, “How many Surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?”

Surprised, she looked up and said, “How many?”

I replied, “The fish.”

And she broke up. She thought it was hysterical. And the poor guy glared at me because he’d been coming up empty and I had her laughing with one joke. I got out of there as fast as possible.

And in relating that bit of humor from many years gone, we discovered that Caroline was wholly unfamiliar with light bulb jokes. We were horrified that we had omitted that bit of education from her life.

So we want to tell her light bulb jokes.

So hit us with your favorite light bulb jokes.

Don’t go google it; we already did that. My favorite from that one was:

“How many psychics does it take to change a lightbulb?”

So wrack your memories and tell us the lightbulb jokes that have stuck with you all this time and we will tell Caroline.