Peter David Update Finally Progress

I saw Peter yesterday and he was able to stand and take a few steps. This is monumental to getting him home. He is still in pain but nothing compared to that he was even the day before. We know this because he hasn’t taken any painkillers since Wednesday so again a good sign.

So the nebulous might be date is rapidly turning into Saturday, which will mean that he will be home for Chrismas/Hanukkah.

Once we get him home, there will be things that still need to be dealt with but he won’t be in a hospital. And since he has been in the hospital since Monday, he is so looking forward to getting home and back to his routine.

So thank you all for your positive thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. It does help in ways we cannot even imagine.

In other news about the house, the first issue of Artful the comic adaptation by Action Labs is in your local comic book stores this. And Peter has a story entitled Franklinstein in the current issue (Winter2016) of Space and Time magazine.

Caroline and I know we have some more questions to answer in the Ask Us entry and we will be getting to them after we get things sorted out here so probably this weekend.

I can’t tell you how much it means to know that we are working our way back to normal around here. Hug your loved ones a little extra this holiday season because life can change in an instant.