Peter David Update Christmas/Hanukkah Edition

Kath here-

He’s home. He was released from the hospital yesterday and is very happy to be back home.

It was basically a massive infection that he needed hospital grade antibiotics to kick.

His legs are feeling stronger each day. He said he felt no pain this morning while walking around the house so what they did worked.

Now he has to work on getting his legs back into good order. Right now he is good to go around the house. He is working up to getting to a convention in mid January.

Thank you one and all for your words of support and encouragement. We appreciate each and every one of you.

For Caroline and me, the best gift this morning was having Peter home. Although I got a pretty kicking Dr. Strange statue and my parents gave me a copy of the new Labyrinth game.

Hugs your friends and family. Tell people you love that you do love them. Life can change so quickly and regret leaves a bitter taste.

Merry Christmas-
Kathleen O David