I’m back

This is the second time in four years that my body has rebelled against me. The first time was nearly four years ago when I had a stroke in Florida that shut down the right half of my body, an event that has residual effects to this day.

This time around, even a week later, I am still a bit uncertain as to what happened. First my left ankle was wracked with pain, and then my right, and then I could no longer stand up. It was as if I was going dead from the waist down, but this time the work of some virus rather than my brain turning against me. Seven days and a buttload of antibiotics later, I am now able to stand up and walk with the aid of a walker that I’ve nicknamed Imperial because really what else are you going to call a walker?

I would like to thank all of you for your well wishes and support for Kathleen and Caroline during these trying times, and my legs are getting stronger every day, so that’s improvement. I’m hoping to be back to normal within another week.

In the meantime, keep buying my books because the hospital bills are going to start flooding in and we could use the help.