Caroline’s first question

When I told her the news this morning, she thought about it a moment and then asked:

“Am I going to have to worry about boys attacking me?”

Welcome to Trump’s America. Because a lot of boys in her school are Trump supporters, and her first concern was that, emboldened by their hero’s win, they would start acting out by physically assaulting females they knew to be Hillary supporters.

I’ve been involved in elections for over four decades and I have never seen the type of fear generated by a newly elected president as Trump’s win has done. I read an article on Facebook about a teacher who had a young black female student who asked, quite seriously, if a Trump election meant that she would become a slave.

Jesus Christ. What the hëll has this country done?


Kathleen went upstairs

She was getting too much of a stomach ache watching the news.

This has gone from “Hillary needs to win by a landslide” to “Holy šhìŧ, this country may be screwed.” And figuring we’d move elsewhere isn’t enough; with Trump as president, nowhere is safe.


Well, I voted

For Hillary, of course.

If you have some BS reason for not voting, please keep it to yourself.

At least the voting doesn’t depend on Trump conceding. There’s no legal weight to the act at all. Let’s just hope it comes to that.