I think they should do one more Presidential debate

But there should be a few new rules.

1) Any candidate who goes over his or her time, his or her microphone goes dead. Either that or Stephen Colbert’s pit band, Stay Human, plays over them.

2) Neither candidate will be allowed to address the other one. They will engage solely with the questioner. Any candidate who attempts this, their mike goes dead.

3) There will be no ad hominem attacks. The first time any candidate attempts an ad hominem attack, their mike goes dead automatically and they lose the rest of their speaking time for that question. A second ad hominem attack, and not only does the candidate lose their time when the mike goes dead, but their remaining time is awarded to their competitor. That will be the continuing policy for the rest of the debate.

4) Any candidate who speaks up and tries to interrupt their opponent or comment on their response, not only will their mike go dead, but they will lose the right to respond to the next question and their opponent will get their time added to his or her own.

I’d watch that debate.


Wow! Trump was right!

He kept talking about voter fraud attempts and we laughed, and now a woman was arrested in Iowa for attempting that very thing! Guess we have to stop laughing now.

Oh. Wait. Turns out she was a Trump supporter who believed her first vote would be magically transformed into one for Hillary so she attempted to go elsewhere and vote again.

Can we go back to laughing?


The Last Debate of the 2016 USA Presidential Race

Kath here. For about the first hour or so this will be Caroline and me. I will try to delineate between us with a K for me and a C for her.

I am hoping that comments will post in a timely fashion. Usually I am on the approval of comments if something gets ‘stuck’ while Peter is typing so I am asking for your patience in this endeavor. I will approve when I have the time to do so.

9:02 so podiums back no chairs visible

(:04 Rules? There are Rules? Let’s see if anyone sticks to them,

9:04 Supreme Court good topic to start with

9:06 I agree that it should represent all of us but that does include the powerful. Nice touch to point out the roadblock against Obama’s nominee.

9:08 He’s going after Ginzberg? Why? She apologized.

9:09 C-Is he threatening violence? K- We have MORE than one amendment to the constitution.

9:10 She is being reasonable and not changing her stand on gun control. Good.

9:12 Angry? He is trying to pull buzz words out of his ášš to make her look bad.

9:14 K-Chicago? Why is he going after Chicago? Is it the only city that the murder rate went up?

9:15 He just said it out loud. Not happy at all with that. Back to the States? Is he really saying that?

9:17 Boy this is a touchy subject. And the Drumph is trying to make her look as bad as possible. C-Did he listen to her? To what she said? Does he ever listen? K-No

9:19 Immigration is up next

9:21 He is trotting this chestnut? Please. Strong borders? C-Heroin? Really? Pouring?

9:22 c-A wall won’t stop drugs. They can always dig under like they did in Mexico

9:23 Oooo she is bring logic into his plan

9:24 Caroline is very much against deportation and has been yelling at the TV

9:25 What wall? What is he talking about? Oh thanks Hillary for clarifying his words

(credit to the moderator to keeping Drumph from going on)

9:26 K- I am about to nope out of this. What world is he living in?

9:28 Good for Hillary to point out that the soundbite was not complete.

9:29 Please not Wikileaks and the Russians Oh crap. Why are we going on about this?

9:30 Good for the moderator to keep Drumph in some sort of order

9:30 back to Putin again. What the hëll is he talking about?

9:31 K- She’s not a puppet. Take it from a puppeteer

Now the moderator is losing control. Get it back.

OK who had 9:33 as when Drumph would take over the conversation?

9:33 He is repeating himself again. He has something he wants to say and he is avoiding the question.

9:34 C- She’s right and you are wrong

9:35 His pedigree? What does this have to do with nukes?

9: 36 Thank God! Economy

9:38 She has trotted out her plan that has not changed since she presented it. She has this pretty much down.

And Peter is home. More than happy to hand it over to him.

9:40: The good news is, we won all three games. So that’s good The bad news is, the debates are still going on. So it’s downhill from here.

9:41: When the hëll is he going to stop bìŧçhìņg about NAFTA?!?!

9:41: CAROLINE–Does he realize that Clinton was the president who helped bring the country out of debt? The Bush presidency then squandered it.

9:42: She’s saying what Caroline just said. Caroline wants to be president. She’s on her way.

9:44: KATHLEEN–Could he have any more of a pouty mouth?

9:46: “Chris, I’d like to phone a friend.”

9:47: Hillary looks extremely pìššëd with him. She looks like she wants to slap him.


9:48: Perfect.

9:48: She didn’t let Wallace or Trump interrupt her.

9:49: Is he KIDDING?! He says that it’s okay for him to be a hypocrite, to talk about making everything in America while acquiring and building things in other countries, and it’s HER fault? It’s HER fault that he’s a dìçk?!

9:50: Ðámņëd right. Go Hillary.

9:51: No, it was a $14 million loan, and he wants to run this country the way he runs his companies: into the ground.

9:52: Yes, Obama created a huge vacuum by going into Iraq and killing Saddam Hussein…oh. Wait.

9:53: They’re all totally false? He didn’t know these women? Jesus Christ. Or HER CAMPAIGN??

9:54: HER campaign is encouraging people to start fights? Is he INSANE?

9:54: Yes, he DID say that. He said it repeatedly.

9:55: I’m waiting for her to say, “Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no sense of decency?”


9:56: Seriously? He says he molests women, they come forward and say, “Yes, he did,” and he BLAMES Hillary for that?

9:57: Kathleen may have to leave the room because her blood pressure is skyrocketing.

9:58: WRONG?! We SAW HIM mock the reporter! Good lord! He is completely off the rails. Does he think that everyone in America has short term memory issues?

9:59: How in God’s name did she cause the violence?

10:01: One at a time.

10:02: Hmm. It’s an interesting point. I wonder how she’ll respond.

10:03: She’s kind of side stepping it, but the fact remains that the Clinton Foundation does great work.

10:04: And she’s back on the offense.

10:05: And once again he blames his tax dodging on her. And she can’t change the law as a senator because changes to tax laws originate from the House, you moron.

10:06: Jesus. He won’t even agree with his running mate and daughter that he will accept the election. This man is more than just a terrible candidate. He is a threat to democracy.

10:09: KATHLEEN: So he says that basically the reason he’s an áššhølë is that it’s Hillary’s fault.

10:10: She is REALLY pìššëd. I’ve never heard her talking so sharply. Can’t blame her.

10:13: He really doesn’t seem to understand how the government works. Is he remotely capable of answering a question without using it as an opportunity to attack Clinton? I mean, does he understand that she’s answering the questions and he isn’t?

10:14: KATHLEEN: Before anyone is allowed to run for President, they should be required to take the test that anyone who wants to become a US citizen is required to take to prove they know how the government works.

10:15: He’s thirty seconds over.

10:16: If you take a shot every time he says “Wrong” you’d die of alcohol poisoning.

10:17: Please let Mr. Trump interrupt you.

10:18: Yeah, Donald, quoting Bernie was a big mistake because it gave her a HUGE opportunity that she just used.

10:19: Also, I understand that Hillary was responsible for JFK being assassinated and she also betrayed Christ.

10:21: I don’t drink, but I may start.

10:21: God, I want to watch “South Park.”

10:25: Tremendous jobs? What would those be exactly?

10:26: Alcohol poisoning on the word “tremendous” also.

10:26: KATHLEEN: He wants to to back to the 1950s where women were subservient and white men had all the power.

10:28: She managed to take a huge broadside at Trump and she’s also answering the question. Excellent.

10:29: We’ve heard all your BS before too, Donald.

10:30: Oh my God. Wallace is talking about Medicare and Trump responds by wanting to dump Obamacare?

10:31: Yes, Donald, you’ve said this before. And it has nothing to do with the question.

10:32: “Such a nasty woman?” I’m amazed Bill doesn’t stride up on stage and deck him.

10:34: She is so positive and he is so negative. Let’s see if he can be positive for once.

10:35: Nope. He can’t. Why did I even ask?

10:36: Thank God. It’s over. I’m going to crack open a bottle of scotch.

We will be live blogging the last (thank God) debate

And by “we” I mean Kathleen, Caroline and myself.

Kath and Caroline have contributed in previous debates, but because the comments go so fast, I haven’t taken the time to attribute comments to either of them. That’s going to be changing tonight.

See, the GOP and Dems were inconsiderate enough to have the debate on my bowling night. So when it starts at 9 PM, I should be finishing up game 2 of a three game match and thus won’t be around to kick it off. So Kath and Caroline will be taking over this evening for the first hour or so, and you’ll be able to hear their opinions directly. Somewhere between 9:45 and 10 I’ll step in, but in the meantime you can thrill to getting, if nothing else, the views of two females on the debate first hand on the first woman candidate versus a misogynist. Be sure to swing by.


Trump demands drug test

Donald Trump demanded that drug tests be given before the next debate. I think that’s a great idea. Just think: what his test come back positive, he can then declare that the test was wrong and blame Hillary Clinton.