Everybody into the Trump Pool

I do not believe for a moment that Trump will make it through his entire four years. So the only question is, what will cause him to depart the presidency? I’ve decided to start a pool right here. The pool consists of two questions: 1) The date of his departure, and 2) the reason.

Here are the rules of the pool:

1) Your entry must be submitted here at peterdavid.net. I don’t care if you read about it on Twitter or Facebook. If it doesn’t show up here, it doesn’t count, because I’m not going to be bothered to review entries all over the place when the time comes.

2) If you say it’s through assassination on a particular date and then you kill him, you have voided your entry and forfeit the prize.

What’s the prize? Glad you asked: the winner (well, broadly speaking, we all win) will receive a copy of “Altered States of the Union,” the short story anthology which features, among other stories, my tale of an alternative Alaska in which Governor Sarah Palin of North Alaska is locked in a combat to the death across a savage Alaskan battlefield with Governor Donald Drumpf of South Alaska. It will be autographed by myself and as many authors as I can dragoon into it.

So everybody enter.


ADDENDUM: DATES, people. Reason isn’t enough. There has to be be a date, down to the month, date and year.

101 comments on “Everybody into the Trump Pool

  1. I also think he’ll resign. I could see it being for any (and all) of the reasons other people have listed, including threat of impeachment, general boredom, lack of any control over the government after midterms, hissy fit, corruption charges, treason charges, poor health, etc. I’d also add desire to start his media empire, realization that he’s not universally worshipped, war or threat of war, terrorist attacks on Trump properties (I wouldn’t stay in one, people), and personal financial losses.

    One thing I am sure of now is that Republicans will turn on him viciously. That will happen fairly soon, I suspect, but it will take a year or so to really catch on. After midterms, he’ll quit.

    So in sum: Resignation, March 5, 2019

  2. Perhaps you should make it “and then you kill him *or hire someone else to*”?

    So is only an exact answer the winner or is it a “closest” thing?

    Since he had the fortitude to make it through the entire election, I’ll take:

    May 14, 2018

  3. I’m gonna say boredom, and just not wanting to do the job anymore. He’ll say the reason is he fixed America, and isn’t Mike Pence terrific. He’s been a terrific V.P, and now he’ll be a terrific President.the date will be 2 years from Inauguration so January 20, 2019. Isaac

  4. One year from now exactly.

    Reason: I have two theories.

    The first is that he calls Angela Merkel a “2” and Germany sends it’s best and brightest to our shores in the middle of the night.

    The second is that someone sends him a mean tweet. He responds by opening the Football and starting to key in the codes. Either he launches World War 3 and we all die from nuclear Armageddon, or the Secret Service cap him before he gets too far. (I suspect the latter, due to his tiny, tiny hands)

  5. After a modestly successful first term (the first time I ever use the term “modest” in relation to Trump), Trump faces a Democratic strategy of “he really is a racist, sexist, white-supremacist, xenophobe who’s JUST LIKE HITLER, and will let it slip any minute now,” Trump will cruise to a second term.

    Then he’ll have another modestly successful term and leave office on January 20, 2025. Further, he will leave his successor — regardless of party — a more gracious handover than Obama is leaving him.

  6. Put me down for an impeachment on February 16, 2018. I hope that I don’t win the pool because someone else wins with a much, much earlier date.

  7. 10/23/18 Resignation due to health concerns brought on by continued scandals involving his kids, the business, his conduct in office, and abuses of power. He will also be partially blamed for the economic fallout from the dismantling of the ACA and defunding of several government agencies/programs.

  8. Sadly, Drumpf leaving office is NOT an improvement if we then have the more insidious Palpat-I-mean-Pence.

  9. He will resign the office on March 23, 2020. He will have been accused of ethical violations and impeachment proceedings will have begun, but then he will tweet something to the effect of “Being president loses me money. I’m going back to creating jobs by making myself lots of money.”

    It’s not humorous, but I can see it happening. 😉

  10. 7/4/18
    His ego finally goes supernova, killing every living thing within a quarter mile of him.

  11. Hmmm. If he quits then he admits he’s a loser. He can’t quit. But I can’t see him going past one term (age and the job is a monster). And then on top of that he needs Congress to impeach him–I kind of see it like they’re trying to keep him on a short leash (if they don’t control him then they’re finished). In fact, I’m sure the 2020 election will probably be even worse than what we just went through. The Democrats will be scrambling for that flawless candidate and the Republicans don’t have to nominate him again. Soooooo January 20th, 2021. Sorry.

  12. February 3rd 2018.

    During a thank-you/victory/look-at-me rally in Scranton, a commercial airline pilot who’s lost a family member due to loss of health insurance, seen in-laws deported, and is terrified of the escalating nuclear arms race, will knock out his co-pilot and aim his plane, loaded up with 264 civilians, to kamikaze into Trump at the podium.

    Once the flight is spotted veering into the no-fly zone surrounding Trump, a fighter jet will be deployed, and one pilot will have the airliner locked in his crosshairs. Facing a crisis of conscience, the pilot will struggle with the choice of destroying a plane full of innocents or letting that plane plow into the president, killing Trump, hundreds of his supporters, and that same plane full of innocents. Feeling for the airline passengers, and playing back images of huge ice shelves falling into the arctic ocean amidst the rampant drilling underway thanks to Exxon/Russia arrangements, the fighter pilot decides on option C, and fires his missiles straight at the president, giving the suicidal airline pilot time to change course and spare his passengers. Trump dies.

    Years later, the fighter pilot is pardoned by President Paltrow.

    That’s all I’ve got off the top of my head.

  13. Dec. 20 2018. One of his children is caught up in a scandal involving Russia and pay for play with Trump Hotels. He pardons the child and then is forced to resign before the democratic Senate takes over and impeaches him.

    Plus that’s my birthday. What a present that will be.

  14. To a certain extent people are playing at their own risk. Anybody who predicts a date of a protectee’s death gets a really hard look from the Secret Service, as they’ve been known to interpret that as a threat.
    While it wouldn’t be comprehensive, I’d recommend predicting only non-violent reasons for his leaving office.
    Myself, I think I’ll just purchase a copy of the book prize.

    1. Well they can look at me all they want. I have a lifetime of taking political potshots at both sides, do not own a gun and aside from a couple of speeding tickets have led an offense free life. Plus when launching this I specifically stipulated against anyone taking action against him. So my conscience is clear. If they wanna swing by and chat they can feel free to do so.


  15. I think the Russians will secretly give Trump Viagra to keep him vital and vigorous with lots of energy. However, since Trump will ALSO be taking it on his own… he’ll od on it.

    Seriously, it will be yuge!

    Um… date..? I give him til Thanksgiving 2017. He is, after all, a turkey.

    Glad you’re feeling better, Peter. 🙂

  16. Oct. 15, 2018.

    He’ll resign to avoid impeachment (official proceedings to impeach will begin that day).
    The Republican-controlled House will initiate impeachment proceedings in part because Trump will have committed high crimes and misdemeanors, but also in the hopes of saving their own jobs in the midterm elections less than a month later. Having taken the pulse of the American electorate, they’ll be well aware that most Americans blame them as much as Trump for the country’s problems and cynically hope that if they vote to impeach, they’ll be re-elected.
    Trump, for his part, will resign in part to avoid certain conviction and in part as a “screw you” to the Republicans in Congress who “betrayed” him. If he resigns, they can’t impeach; they get blamed and voted out.
    Trump will spin his resignation as anything but quitting or being forced out of office to avoid impeachment. He will pass the buck, rather than let it stop with him. He might even be so brazen as to say Congress is so corrupt that he’s stepping down as president (having done “such a great job”) to run for Congress and do his part to “fix that once great and august body.” Or words to that effect.

  17. On July 23, 2019, Trump will officially resign after leaked files show collusion with Russian intelligence to undermine the 2016 election. Despite Trump’s months of fighting under incredibly dámņìņg evidence, the GOP finally convinces him to resign due to mounting public pressure. Mike Pence is sworn in immediately after.

    Two weeks later, Pence is found dead in a men’s restroom, sans pants and bleeding profusely from a head injury. It is ruled by the coroner as “death by misadventure”.

  18. 3/25/2018

    Trump will resign. Having made an untold fortune off of the backs of Americans, he will see he has used us all up and has no more use for Americans.

  19. 1) May 26, 2018
    2) Massive myocardial infarction

    The guy is not in any way healthy enough to withstand the rigors of the job. He’ll be able to avoid some of the stress and strain for a while, but eventually it’ll catch up with him.

    (I think there’s a lesser but still decent chance he could pull a Palin in early ’18, ascribing his resignation to health reasons. But ultimately his ego won’t allow him to do that.)

  20. Quitting around the middle of July, 2018. Reasons based on his frustration, petulance, and failing at the job.

    He will, of course, blame the media, the Democrats, and any Republicans who didn’t kiss his ášš every second of the time he was in office. He will also leave behind scandal and wreckage.

  21. On April 16, 2019 at 4am he will suddenly see himself as he really is and never be heard from again.

  22. Declines to run for re-election, leaves office January 20 2021. Not an awesome story but what I realistically expect.

  23. 1. March 19, 2017

    2. Resignation due to inability to resolve legal disputes. Rather than be impeached over his myriad of legal problems, (between financial wrongdoings and Russian conspiracies there will be a lot to answer for) he chooses to leave office handing the presidency to Pence, which was the plan all along.

  24. I have one more theory:

    Any minute now.
    Reason: I’m FINALLY going to wake up and realize that this has all been a terrible, terrible fever dream. I will wake up and all will be right with the world.

    …AAAAAAAAANY minute now…

    Still waiting…

    Come on… My bladder won’t wait forever… Stupid nightmare…

  25. Jan 31, 2017. He’ll either reveal he never wanted to be President, it was just a game to increase his “brand” and name recognition, or he’ll realize the government ISN’T a business where he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Then he’ll he’ll pout and take his ball and go home.

  26. Date: November 27th 2019

    Reason: This will be as long as he can hold off from impeachment due to massive allegations and acts of fraud and extortion, before the Republican party can get him to announce his resignation so they can prepare a new ticket for the 2020 election, and lessen the media blowback doing so right before Thanksgivings/Black Friday weekend.

  27. Unfortunately, I just don’t see anyone stopping him. I can’t see him quitting because the gig is just too lucrative, and his ego wouldn’t allow resigning and being a loser. Also, Republicans are fine with someone like him in office as long as he’s willing to sign every evil thing they come up with. I don’t see enough of them caring about principle (any principle) to stand up and vote to impeach unless he becomes so unpopular, they do it for self-preservation. However, though I expect him to be unpopular, I don’t think he’ll be unpopular enough with Republicans for impeachment by 2020. He’ll be helped tremendously by right-wing media continuing to lie about him and spinning his disasters positively enough to keep the base supporting him. So in 2020, he’ll either declare victory and not run again, or he’ll lose to Elizabeth Warren or some other Democrat from the populist wing of the party. I sure hope I lose this contest, but I’m betting January 20, 2021.

  28. As a proud New Jerseyan all of whom have been on the short end of Trump’s “business” dealings whether they see it or not. (And mostly just as someone tired of people who are not from here telling me what he “really” did) I’m going to make a prediction that channels and hopefully evokes karma for my state. I have the entire scandal worked out!

    We know he left taxpayers holding the bag when he bailed on all his Atlantic City investments hiding from responsibility behind not one, not two, but three bankruptcies specifically there. Investments which he came to us about remember. He even made out by writing off a 975 million dollar loss. We know 253 area subcontractors weren’t paid $69.5 million. This was to small, local, family businesses, for whom it could mean financial ruin. Most did sue but reported being threatened to settle or they would either be sucked dry through indefinitely delayed litigation processes, or risk becoming unsecured creditors to Trump in bankruptcy court. His company did declare bankruptcy and settled for as high as 70 cents on the dollar. The best anyone did there was break even not turn a profit. Many small companies went out of business, leaving workers across the region out of work even before the casinos folded.

    13,000 people left the work force after. On October 10, 2016 Trump Taj Mahal was mercifully put out of its misery. (For now apparently) He’s pulling his “valuable” name off of any future the building has. I’m actually not sure if that’s good or bad, but I’m sick of him, and if its bad then its another example of him not taking responsibility. 3000 people lost their jobs and pensions on closing. Property values have been destroyed there. Unemployment is twice the national average there at 9.2%. All of this at great expense to our local and state government, and of course tax payers. People ask New Jerseyans why we pay so much in taxes? I give you Donald Trump. The man couldn’t make the Boardwalk here great again, but I’m supposed to believe he’s going to Make America Great Again.

    What’s amazing is that you would think all of this which is fact and public record would remove the man from consideration in the eyes of voters because it should be a MASSIVE scandal even if he’s not President. Somehow they ignored it and he whitewashed his record and ran as an “outsider” who is going to champion the working class, and drain the swamp. All of this sounds like a man who knows exactly how to screw the system like so many politicians and their contributors, he routinely screwed the working and middle class on the deal, and the swampers seemed to take very good care of him in the deal. But again not enough to scandalously disqualify him.

    Here’s my prediction of why: There’s more there. I know it, he knows it, you know it, and everyone knows it. Something breaks. Something comes out . A seedy uncomfortable greased palm story where a Union leader couldn’t resist the amount of money or influence Trump threw at him and literally and directly destroyed a ton of Union worker lives. Something comes out of there. At that point it builds. The reporting. News outlets from both sides of the aisle condemn him. Though some stand by and once again try to Trumpslain it all. But the working class has had enough and even some who voted for Trump are tired of “businessmen” like him making fortunes off their backs and not showing good corporate responsibility/ citizenship. The controversy builds to the point even Republicans can’t stand by him, even though they waited and waited to not suffer the embarrassment of impeachment.

    Here is my Prediction of How: Impeachment talks reach a fever pitch. So he has to resign in shame. And yes, we must endure President Pence. (God help all my LGBT friends and relatives.)

    Here’s my Prediction of when: He’s so out of touch he won’t even notice the coincidence. August 3, 2019 the three year anniversary to the day of the announcement of Trump Taj Mahal’s closing.

    Even if nothing new comes out to make all this happen. It should happen on the basis of what already has transpired and is a matter of public record.

    I dedicate this post in honor of Casino workers everywhere like my Grandfather, AND, just because, USFL and New Jersey Generals fans.

    Hope you’re better Pete,r didn’t mean to hijack your blog. I got some folks to buy some of your books in support. Peace, Love, and Better Times Eriel Barcenas.

  29. March 29, 2016 de-facto resignation when he flees to Russia after arrest warrant (for treason) has been issued. a.k.a. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER

  30. My pool prediction is that Trump will resign on Jan. 20, 2018, having announced his plans the previous day. His stated reason will be that unfair criticism has compromised his effectiveness, but it will be widely known and reported that the real reason is that he is unwilling to give up certain interests that he has been told he will have to give up in order to remain president.

  31. January 21, 2017, early morning hours

    Shot by Secret Service agents while Twitter-daring North Korea into attempting to carry out its threat to hit the US with a nuclear missile.

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