Everybody into the Trump Pool

I do not believe for a moment that Trump will make it through his entire four years. So the only question is, what will cause him to depart the presidency? I’ve decided to start a pool right here. The pool consists of two questions: 1) The date of his departure, and 2) the reason.

Here are the rules of the pool:

1) Your entry must be submitted here at peterdavid.net. I don’t care if you read about it on Twitter or Facebook. If it doesn’t show up here, it doesn’t count, because I’m not going to be bothered to review entries all over the place when the time comes.

2) If you say it’s through assassination on a particular date and then you kill him, you have voided your entry and forfeit the prize.

What’s the prize? Glad you asked: the winner (well, broadly speaking, we all win) will receive a copy of “Altered States of the Union,” the short story anthology which features, among other stories, my tale of an alternative Alaska in which Governor Sarah Palin of North Alaska is locked in a combat to the death across a savage Alaskan battlefield with Governor Donald Drumpf of South Alaska. It will be autographed by myself and as many authors as I can dragoon into it.

So everybody enter.


ADDENDUM: DATES, people. Reason isn’t enough. There has to be be a date, down to the month, date and year.

101 comments on “Everybody into the Trump Pool

  1. It’s going to be an indictment. For what, I don’t know, but he’s going to get popped for something and indicted. And then we’re all going to laugh until we realize that Pence is on-deck, he’s got a batters helmet on, and he’s been practicing his swing for decades.

  2. Date of leaving office: 1/20/20

    Reason for leaving office: Succeeded by President Pence

    (If Wall Street continues to rally, he gets a free ride, no matter what the rest of the economy looks like. If it is horrible by 2018, we hand Congress to the Democrats, and in 2020 maintain the status quo. If we are in a war at any time, “you don’t change horses mid-stream” will be the common wisdom. He can only fail if he walks out, and his ego would never let him do that. No matter what, Pence will be left holding the bag.)

  3. My wife would like to pick death by Sharknado on July 9,2018. Because it’s unbelievable that he’s president, so why not pick an unbelievable way to go.

    I will pick impeachment on treason charges on March 15, 2018.

  4. Monday, January 7th, 2019. After numerous business and foreign policy scandals under Trump, the Democrats take back both houses of Congress. As soon as the Congressional committees stop shielding Trump, he resigns to “pursue his business interests”.

  5. Date: 20-1-2019

    Reason: The Russians release the dirt they have on him, where he sold out the US in exchange for loans forgiven and favorable business deals in Russia. This happens after 2018 goes haywire for the Republicans and they look for a scapegoat in order to prevail in 2020.

  6. Back in the day, I argued with you before, back when this and we were on usenet. I’ve abandoned republicans and conservatism since then.

    I’m so sick of this partisan BS that I choose not to engage. I hope you find a way to keep on going but this is self-destructive. You are too smart for this. Find a way to be positive, please.

    1. This isn’t partisan BS. This is a reasonable study of the landscape. Journalistically, this is another “President’s Men” waiting to happen. There are simply too many things Trump has pulled that are going to attract attention. That alone is going to cause a drive to impeach him. Again, not partisan: just aware of history.


      1. Fair enough, while I’m sure you’d be quite critical of any republican president-elect, Trump is definitely a special case. I certainly didn’t vote for him. Reading through the replies, boredom seems likely, but if he behaves in office as he has between the election and the inauguration, he may govern by tweet and delegate the responsibilities that seem to wear down presidents so quickly.

      1. Nope, not engaging because he said he wasn’t going to respond. So I took him at his word and simply answered his question. Not expecting a huge give and take, and notice I’m not bothering to reply to the people who are pro-Trump and responding.


      2. Then I guess we are done. You’re right, the refusal to engage was silly. Ah well, life goes on.

  7. December 1 2018 after the Democrats take back the House and Senate on a “Impeach Trump/really drain the swamp” ticket

  8. I will pick a combo. there will be an incitement (although I don’t think you can sue the president…so not sure if that can happen, unless they let previously filed suits proceed) and because of that he will be Impeached which will be how he leaves office. 2/8/19

  9. My vote: June 15, 2019. Impeachment, brought on by a conflict between Trump’s financial interests and presidential duties.

    1. I ment 2025. January 20th at noon, my bad. Had the inauguration on my mind DJT will serve 2 full terms

  10. It is discovered that he IS the Manchurian Candidate and that he is colluding with Putins Russia. Date of impeachment April 18, 2019. His trial for treason shortly thereafter.

  11. It’s funny that you put this up, as I’ve said since he became the Republican nominee that he’d never make it out of his first term. But as to the specifics–

    August 16, 2018, he’ll resign due to a combination of not being able to get his way all the time, realizing that his powers are actually specifically laid out, and boredom.

  12. Well, this is probably the least likely to happen but I’d like for him to get attacked and murdered by a mob of angry ex-Trump supporters in a few months. Random date that pops up in my head : 7/4/2017.

  13. Jan. 20, 2019

    He won’t call it that, but I suspect when he fails to get any sort of validation or significant cooperation from anyone outside of his immediate circle, he will disown the entire system as being rigged against him.

  14. I predict that TRUMP will not only go all four years but will actually go eight and be one of the most direct and influential Presidents we’ve ever had.

  15. January 2019

    After conflict of interest issues pile up about his infrastructure project and graft

  16. January 19, 2018, impeached due to Russian connections and numerous conflicts of interest.

  17. October 10, 2017.

    The real reason will be the threat of impeachment, but he’ll come up with a reason that it is his “smart” reason to leave. I even think the announcement will be by his private Twitter.

  18. January 30, 2017.

    First trip to Russia (as part of thank you tour), he will insist on using his own private aircraft instead of Air Force One, gets shot down by rebel forces.

  19. Date: 11/11/18
    Reason: post election depression and threats of impeachment for conflict of interests that never get resolved.

  20. I think it is most likely that Trump will make it through his entire first term but not run for re-election. Republicans will not allow him to be impeached out of office and they’ll hold far more than the one third of the Senate needed to prevent conviction after impeachment. However, that’s no fun so I’ll pick something that might happen. The only remaining ways are heath-based and resignation. I’m going to pick that he quits on December 7, 2018 after the GOP loses Congress and he gets tired of being (rightly) blamed for it.

  21. Monday, January 16, 2017, by assasination because having a racist alt-right demigog for president is inconsistant with the nation celebrating Martin Luther King [Jr.] Day; one of them has to go. But that’s not the worst of it because the Russians will retaliate for the termination of their top agent in America.

      1. I stand corrected. Thank you Michael P. I suppose that knocks me out of the running. Good luck to the rest if you.

  22. June 2018. He won’t be impeached (Republicans don’t have that kind of integrity), but he will be so scandal-ridden at that point that he will pull a Sarah Palin, say “You losers don’t deserve me” and resign, because, let’s face it, he never wanted this job in the first place and he’s way over his head.

  23. My pick: September 30, 2017

    Reason: Due to the burden of various financial and political conflict of interest scandals building up over the next nine months, President Trump decides to resign via Twitter.

  24. January 20, 2019 after the midterms, Trump resigns to let Oence finish out their term because Trump is tired of the grind of the office but he says it’s because it’s for the good of the party

  25. As somebody else stated above, I believe he will resign to avoid Impeachment, but I’d say by January 2018- at the latest. I think that this was premeditated, since Orange F***face was the Presidential Candidate that generates the hype, but obviously won’t last long due to his complete and total lack of substance (among countless other reasons). So that’s the plan for Pence to foist his theocracy on the rest of us. So we’ll have to be one step ahead.

  26. 10/08/2016

    Trump will leave office for reasons termed “exhaustion.” I think the man’s obviously not physically or mentally capable of performing the duties of the office and will refuse to admit it, leading to a breakdown. I’m probably pushing on the date, but if I’m at all right, it’ll be sooner than later.

  27. Absolutely he will throw a hissy-fit and resign, claiming everyone is against him, on October 19, 2018.

  28. May 30, 2017 – Heart attack brought on by age, stress and too many years of crappy fast food.

  29. January 20, 2017
    Free weed will be distributed to a large crowd (as many as 4200) in Dupont Circle, Washington DC, followed by a march on the Inauguration.
    During his speech, numerous intoxicated attendees with the munchies will mistake Donald Trump for an extra-large bag of Cheetos, and rush the stage, in numbers too great for the Secret Service to repel.

    The incoming president will then be devoured by bored, ravenous stoners.

  30. January 20, 2017
    Free weed will be distributed to a large crowd (as many as 4200) in Dupont Circle, Washington DC, followed by a march on the Inauguration.
    During his speech, numerous intoxicated attendees with the munchies will mistake Donald Trump for an extra-large bag of Cheetos, and rush the stage, in numbers too great for the Secret Service to repel.
    The incoming president will then be devoured by bored, ravenous stoners.

    1. He will resign on May 17, 2018 because he will be mad that people are not listening to him and not taking him seriously.

  31. He will leave the Presidency on one of the most popular holidays of the year. After all, the day he leaves will always be remembered as one of the most popular holidays of the year.

  32. It won’t be an indictment, there’ll be a risk of one but he’ll quit before he can be impeached. Or at least, Pence and the others will force him to quit so they don’t have to wait.

    He’ll leave the office on the 10th of November, 2017.

  33. Abdication, after he finds out he really can’t do everything he wants to and gets bored with it all. Some time in the first 8 months of this term.

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