
I have a new novelette in the latest issue of “Space and Time” Magazine. It is entitled “Franklinstein,” and features the hitherto untold story of a dark incident during the lifetime of our founding father, Ben Franklin, and how it served to partly inspire Mary Shelley’s subsequent immortal tale.

However the original story was originally a bit longer than the printed version. There was a lengthy intro that helped set up the background, but it made the story too long for “Space and Time,” so we had to trim the introduction.

But I really liked it, and so I am presenting it to you here. If you like it, then go out and get the magazine at your local bookstore or order it online. And since it came out in 2016, well, when it comes to award nominations for the year, kindly keep it in mind if you consider it worthy of recognition.

Ladies and gentlemen: “Franklinstein.”

Yes, Mr. Trump. You did mock the reporter.

You stood there in front of a packed audience and you stammered and stuttered and held your hands in a palsied fashion. The “what” of what you said is beside the point. You could have tried to refute his article by simply addressing the facts. Instead you chose to mock, not his words, but his disability.

It was foul. It was evil. It was mean. And it was not remotely presidential.

And your response is to deny it and try to trash Meryl Streep in the process.

How in the name of all that’s holy is anyone supposed to believe anything you say when you deny that you did things WE ALL SAW? When you stand there in less than two weeks and claim that you are going to defend the constitution–a document I would wager you have never read and know nothing of its contents–why are we supposed to think that you mean it?

This goes beyond the fact that you are (at least now) a Republican. This goes to the core of the man you are. A man stands up for what he believes and a man takes responsibility for what he does. You do neither. We do not know what you believe because it changes depending on who you talk to. We do know you refuse to own up to the things you say.

You are seventy years old and remain a cypher, and that makes you possibly the most dangerous individual ever to have high office.

For God’s sake: Grow the hëll up.