Everybody into the Trump Pool

I do not believe for a moment that Trump will make it through his entire four years. So the only question is, what will cause him to depart the presidency? I’ve decided to start a pool right here. The pool consists of two questions: 1) The date of his departure, and 2) the reason.

Here are the rules of the pool:

1) Your entry must be submitted here at peterdavid.net. I don’t care if you read about it on Twitter or Facebook. If it doesn’t show up here, it doesn’t count, because I’m not going to be bothered to review entries all over the place when the time comes.

2) If you say it’s through assassination on a particular date and then you kill him, you have voided your entry and forfeit the prize.

What’s the prize? Glad you asked: the winner (well, broadly speaking, we all win) will receive a copy of “Altered States of the Union,” the short story anthology which features, among other stories, my tale of an alternative Alaska in which Governor Sarah Palin of North Alaska is locked in a combat to the death across a savage Alaskan battlefield with Governor Donald Drumpf of South Alaska. It will be autographed by myself and as many authors as I can dragoon into it.

So everybody enter.


ADDENDUM: DATES, people. Reason isn’t enough. There has to be be a date, down to the month, date and year.