Super Bowl blog

6:00–Apparently it starts at 6:30. See you then.

6:30–Welcome to the Long Island Super Bowl. At least that’s what Kath keeps calling it, because it says Super Bowl LI.

6:32–I wonder if H.W. feels good knowing his son is no longer the worst president in American history.

6:34–Kath is happy because as a former Atlanta resident, she is rooting for the Falcons.

6:36–Great Ford commercial, especially for someone like me who just hates getting stuck pretty much anywhere. I hate traffic lights, for God’s sake.

6:45–Yeah, sure, Google seems fine now, but when the machines rise up, does anyone doubt that Google will be leading the charge?

6:46–I find it interesting how many commercials seem to be slanted around families.

6:47–For some reason, I suddenly want Avocados. And to watch a movie with Jon Lovitz.

6:48–My favorite Jon Lovitz moment. He’s not in it, but you’ll understand when you watch it.

6:53–Well, Trump must be hating THIS commercial. He’s probably demanding that a video game starring him be fast tracked.

6:54–And Watson will be aiding Google. No doubt about that.

6:55–I’ve known Katie for thirty seconds and I hate her already. Frickin’ Skittles.

7:00–Eh. Beer. Don’t care.

7:01–You know, there weren’t an infinite number of dinosaurs in the world. Am I the only person who worries about fossil fuel running out?

7:01–Another Godaddy commercial. I’ve been watching their commercials for years and I’m still unclear who they are or what they do.

7:04–Dudes, water is water. It’s not art.

7:05–Well, SOME of us believe that whoever you are, we accept you. Others want to keep you out of the country.

7:06–Not interested in the tank video game, but I would totally watch “Real Bad Moms.”

7:09–FINALLY a pirates ad with Jack in it. Hoping this film will be better than the previous.

7:10–Well, I’m going to have to watch that Buick commercial again, because Kathleen was laughing so loudly I couldn’t hear the dialogue after Cam Newton showed up.

7:13–Okay, this song goes way better with the movie than the Pirates one did. But Logan is rated R? I guess Deadpool opened that door.

7:14–Say goodbye to limits? Can’t we just say goodbye to Justin Bieber?

717–I hate that that’s a commercial for Honda, but I loved the way it was put together.

7:18–Anthony Hopkins is in Transformers? What the hëll?!

7:20–Oh. Atlanta scored. I’m reading a book during the show and didn’t notice. Well, yay for Kathleen.

7:24–OK, that’s the best Tide commercial I’ve ever seen. Because I don’t recall any others.

7:30–I don’t really drink Coke anymore, but I like their commercials.

7:31–Handmaid’s Tale. I’m there.

7:32–Yeah, my bathroom’s ready. Got a toilet and a roll of toilet paper and that’s all I need, Febreze. And I never noticed before how weirdly you spell your name.

7:45–Jesus, the Falcons are killing them. Kath is happy.

7:46–We were taught all this? Really? I honestly don’t remember being taught any of that.

7:47–I dunno. I go to the gym all the time and nobody there knows my name.

7:50–Historical note. Humpty Dumpty wasn’t an egg. It was a cannon.

7:51–I’ve reached the age of 60 and I still haven’t seen a single Fast and Furious movie. Not sure whether to be proud of that or just indifferent.

7:53–That’s how I felt when somebody else had

7:54–Eh. Wendys hasn’t had a memorable commercial since “Where’s the beef?!”

8:04–Music’s biggest moment of the year? Dude, it’s FEBRUARY.

8:06–So remember, if you have as much money as Lady Gaga, you can be a Tiffany’s customer.

8:10–That was a commercial for LUMBER? I thought it was a dramatization of a mother and daughter trying to sneak into the country. What the hëll was that about?

8:15–Well, now we know what Lady Gaga would be like if she was in Cirque du Soleil.

8:27–Okay, does anyone know if Einstein could really play the violin?

8:29–Scientology? REALLY?

8:32–Where the hëll are commercials with horses?

8:39–Well, yeah, you could tell her something different, but in the world we’re currently living in, the other stuff would be more accurate.

8:40–They sexed up Mr. Clean? Really?

8:41–Okay, that was a great Snickers commercial.

8:46–He probably wouldn’t have been allowed into the country within a few months.

8:47–Well, I’ve never heard of Persil, but if it’s good enough for Bill Nye, I may buy a bottle.

8:55–Between this commercial and her turn as Sean Spicer yesterday on SNL, Melissa McCarthy wins the weekend.


9:06–“A Cure for Wellness.” Yeah, I’m definitely not the target audience for this.

9:07–Oh, “Walking Dead.” For a moment I thought it was a commercial for baseball.

9:11–You know, I never watched the Baywatch TV series, but I might check out the movie.

9:12–So that was Fifty Shades of T-Mobile, I guess.

9:12–Wait, is Geoffrey Rush playing Einstein? Okay, now I’m interested.

9:19–We’re three quarters of the way through the game. Where the hëll are the Clydesdales?!

9:20–I’m sorry, but Tim Horton’s has pretty much ruined Dunkin’ Donuts for me.

9:29–Okay, Morgan Freeman, bringing the class to the Super Bowl. And I’ve flown Turkish Airlines. They were VERY customer conscious.

9:31–All right, fine, I’ll watch Legion! Happy?

9:32–Spuds McKenzie. Jesus Christ.

9:36–My problem is that every time she opens her mouth I picture Mabel from “Gravity Falls.”

9:36–I can’t buy any new video games. All my video game players are out of date.

9:43–Was that Peter Fonda?

9:43–I don’t care about the Simpsons or even the commercials for it: I don’t give a dámņ about the Daytona 500.

10:00–Some cars take your breath away. And some car commercials just bore the crap out of you.

10:02–Finger licking gold? Seriously? Guys, KFC is insanely unhealthy. Just deal with that.

10:12–Christ, this game is going overtime.

10:16–So we’re into repeats on the commercials and the Clydesdales never showed up. I’m done. Good night.