Freak Out Friday – February 24th

A slow but nevertheless interesting week in Trump land:

1) Swedish Fish–Did you hear about the horrible things that happened in Sweden? Yeah, neither did we. But according to Trump. something catastrophic had happened in the fairly benign country that had everyone in a tizzy. Which nobody was until Trump claimed they were, and they then indeed were immensely confused, wondering what in God’s name he was talking about. Apparently he had heard, or more correctly misheard, some comment on Fox and that caused him to fabricate yet another non-existent terrorist attack. And speaking of Fox…

2) How far off the reservation has he gone?–Fox mainstays Shephard Smith and Chris Wallace apparently have had enough. Both of them went off on Trump, deploring both his incessant lies and his constant dumping on the press. Seriously? FOX is attacking Trump? That’s like Breitbart launching a five part positive story on the wonders of the UJA. Considering how Fox consistently supported him in the past, one has to be simply stunned at this turnaround.

3) Depends what you mean by “Very Few”–In his incessant endeavors to gut Obamacare, Trump declared at the Conservative Political Action Conference that the health plans covers “very few people.” So to a billionaire, twenty million people is “very few.” I suppose that makes sense. It would have to cover a billion people to penetrate his bubble.

Did he do anything right? His appointment of General Herbert McMaster as the new National Security Adviser was well received. Of course, it’s entirely damage control since Flynn was dumped in record setting time, and Trump’s next choice passed on the assignment. What’s interesting is that McMaster has a tendency to question authority, which likely won’t go over well in a White House where such behavior is not tolerated or instead rewarded with firings. So this could be interesting.