Freak Out Friday–the Introduction

It seems to me that Donald Trump could potentially wind up taking over this whole blog. Because every day he or his aides are saying or doing something stupid. Indeed, if they had a “# of Days Without Screwing Up” counter in the Oval Office, it would have to be reset every day. So I am going to confine Trump comments to Freak Out Friday. That way we can simply freak out over everything they’ve done in the past week and get it out of our systems, and thus have clear heads for the weekend.

It remains amazing to me how conservatives have rewritten history, having forgotten their own determination to block everything Obama did and make him a one term president, and their incessant lies about Obama’s birthplace and picketing with racist signs and epithets, and instead now claim that we should give Trump a chance. Especially considering that in the past week:

1) Trump forgot to mention Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day. I suspect he also forgot to mention the Romani, but considering how he positioned himself as a friend of the Jews, it’s a notable omission.

2) Threatened to send in American troops to Mexico, a sovereign nation, to “help” with drug enforcement.

3) Picked a fight with the Prime Minister of Australia. How in the HÊLL does ANYONE pick a fight with a country where everyone says “G’day” and “No worries?”

4) Steve Bannon declared that we will be at war with China within the next decade. Yeah, that’s what we want to hear. Let’s pick fights with Mexico, Australia and China in the course of one week.

5) Kellyanne Conway declared on television that Trump’s Muslim ban was to prevent another massacre at Bowling Green, an incident which she claimed was covered by no newspapers. Possibly because it never happened. Some terrorists who resided in Bowling Green were arrested, but they had no plans to launch any assaults on the U.S., and their arrest was indeed thoroughly covered by the media.

6) I have no personal comments on Judge Gorsuch, his nominee for SCOTUS, but I’m getting emails from alarmed Gay and Lesbian organizations who seem to be freaking out about him, so I figure that’s not good.

I have to admit, I’m wondering what in the world he would have to do that would prompt current supporters of his to admit they screwed up. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that his claim that he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue and his backers would not be bothered by it is the single most truthful thing he’s ever said.