Elite Con

So there’s a smallish convention called Elite Con in Tampa, FL this weekend. They are a one-day collectible convention and they have stated that they are not permitting cosplayers. No exceptions. They’re reasonably polite about it, stating that as far as they’re concerned, this show is entirely about collectibles (including comics) and they don’t want cosplayers. And naturally fans are decrying the decision, being nasty and rude and declaring that they won’t attend.

Is there something wrong with me in that my response to the con’s decision is: So?

It’s their con. If they don’t want to have to deal with aisles being made more narrow by winged attendants or sword scabbards sticking out or everyone stopping in their tracks to take pictures, that’s honestly no big deal. There are hundreds of conventions that allow cosplaying. So one doesn’t. Big deal. Go or don’t go, but for God’s sake, stop yelling at them because they don’t want to produce a particular type of fan gathering. If I lived in Tampa, I’d likely go. Okay, I actually wouldn’t, I’m going to Kentucky this weekend. But you get the idea.