Freak Out Friday – March 10th

Remember the whole “He’s so presidential” thing that anyone with a memory said would dissipate in less than a week? Yeah, pretty much.

1) Obama? Seriously? Jesus.–As I’m sure you’ve all heard, without a shred of proof, Trump accused Obama of cavalierly breaking the law and ordering wire taps on Trump tower. Apparently because he heard some rantings on Breitbart and took them to be true. Even most of his own people are basically admitting that there’s nothing to back this up, but that doesn’t deter Trump from demanding congressional inquiries into the non-story.

You know what? I want to do this, too.

Trump has syphillis.

It makes huge degrees of sense. He stated that back in the 1980s he was quite the horndog, and the latter stages of syphillis typically occur thirty years after first coming into contact with it. It would explain the strange discoloration of his skin. It would explain his mood swings, his insomnia (he tweets at all hours of the morning), and the brain damage that has clearly occurred that causes him to lie incessantly. It could easily have gone undetected because syphillis is often undiagnosed since its symptoms mimic many other diseases. I think that a Congressional inquiry should be made and Trump subjected to blood tests to determine whether the most powerful man in the world is in the throes of an STD that can screw up your brain and eventually kill you.

If you agree, repeat this everywhere. Put it up on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, everywhere. Contact your representatives and insist they put forward a full investigation of Trump’s health. The only testimony we have to that effect is from his brainless numb nut doctor who couldn’t handle a round of “Operation” without killing the patient. Make #TrumpHasSyphillis the new trending topic everywhere. If he can say whatever he wants and expect results, so can we.

2) Here we go again–Apparently not intimidated by the sheer chaos of his first travel ban, Trump on Monday signed a new one into effect. He is also seemingly unintimidated by the fact that the United States is losing billions of dollars in tourist trade. It seems that foreign tourists simply don’t want to be bothered going into a country that might reject them for whatever reason flits through the mind of the syphillitic president, and merchants from hotels to restaurants to airlines are seeing a spiralling downturn in tourist money. Which you might think would concern a guy whose entire claim to fame is being a businessman. And now we start to see just how he wound up driving business after business into bankruptcy.

3) There are no words for this–Ben Carson, in addressing the no-doubt stunned employees of HUD, stated, ““There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships who worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream, that one day their sons, daughters, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness.” Uh…no. They were not immigrants. They were slaves and they were victims of kidnapping. They only had two dreams: to be free, and to go back home to the friends and family from whom they were stolen. If the man who said this was white, he would be decried as a racist. Carson is black, so I guess it’s not racist; just idiotic. And of course conservatives are allgegedly digging up video of Obama doing the same thing, because as always, the way to excuse one of their people doing something dumb is to prove that the man they despise did it too, so that makes it okay.

Did he do anything right? : Well, no, but his staffers did. They are stating that they do not want the health care act referred to as Trumpcare. He doesn’t want to attach his brand to it. Smart move. This thing is being pilloried by Democrats, Republicans and even the Tea Party. Granted, he did say he supported it, but if he wants to distance his name from it, that would be a really bright thing to do. Especially if Bernie Sanders gets his way, the government stops providing health care for its elected officials, and he ends up needing help for his syphillis.