Freak Out Friday – March 24

My my my, it’s been quite the week for the Trumpster. Started with a great deal of turmoil over healthcare and then went completely off the rails.

1) Time and Again–Remember how everyone seemed to enjoy making fun of Obama because he spoke so slowly and with hesitations? The reason for that was because he was clearly considering every word he spoke before he said it, and mentally edited himself so he wouldn’t say something stupid. Trump doesn’t possess that capability, and his tendency to say remarkably stupid things was on full display in this week’s Time magazine. The quote that is most making the rounds is this: “I’m a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right. Hey, look, in the meantime, I guess I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m President, and you’re not” I think someone should sit him down and tell him a couple of things. First of all, his instincts are typically erroneous. He makes snap judgments in press conferences, in interviews and on Twitter that range from flat out wrong to libelous, and when confronted, his instincts cause him to double down. Second, the fact that he is president has nothing to do with his instincts and everything to do with a two century old institution called the Electoral college that has disenfranchised Democrat majority vote winners twice in this century, and the century is only seventeen years old. And third, yes, he’s doing badly.

2) Healthy, Wealthy, and if you’re not both, screw you–“After seven horrible years of ObamaCare (skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare), this is finally your chance for a great plan!” That is what Trump declared recently on Twitter. Except not so much as recent studies of the new plan indicate that more than 24 million people will lose their health care, and meanwhile everything from maternity leave to hospital stays is targeted for cut backs or elimination. Meanwhile a recent poll indicates that only 17% of those surveyed approve of it. We can assume that one hundred percent of Democrats hate it, but 17% would have to indicate that even some of the die-hard Trumpers are realizing just how thoroughly screwed they are if this goes through. But Trump has taken the ideal stand to deal with it: He insists the GOP, who postponed yesterday’s vote because they knew they couldn’t get it through, get it done immediately or else he’s going to abandon the entire plan. Of course he is: He has come to the realization that Obamacare may not be perfect, but it’s far better than nothing and also miles better than what the GOP has been coming up with. It’s kind of astounding. The guys who criticized Obamacare for it being “rushed through” over a period of months with discussions held behind closed doors are now endeavoring to do the exact same thing only in weeks. Not to mention that they’ve had seven years to come up with something, yet they haven’t. All the GOP has done is establish for once and for all that their party has no worthwhile ideas to put forward for governance, but instead exist only to try and stop the Democrats from accomplishing anything. This is the party of Lincoln? What, Lincoln, Nebraska?

Did he do anything right? Uh…not so much.