Elite Con

So there’s a smallish convention called Elite Con in Tampa, FL this weekend. They are a one-day collectible convention and they have stated that they are not permitting cosplayers. No exceptions. They’re reasonably polite about it, stating that as far as they’re concerned, this show is entirely about collectibles (including comics) and they don’t want cosplayers. And naturally fans are decrying the decision, being nasty and rude and declaring that they won’t attend.

Is there something wrong with me in that my response to the con’s decision is: So?

It’s their con. If they don’t want to have to deal with aisles being made more narrow by winged attendants or sword scabbards sticking out or everyone stopping in their tracks to take pictures, that’s honestly no big deal. There are hundreds of conventions that allow cosplaying. So one doesn’t. Big deal. Go or don’t go, but for God’s sake, stop yelling at them because they don’t want to produce a particular type of fan gathering. If I lived in Tampa, I’d likely go. Okay, I actually wouldn’t, I’m going to Kentucky this weekend. But you get the idea.


Freak Out Friday – March 3, 2017

So it was a busy week for the future ex-President. Let’s see what he was up to:

1) He finally made a correct decision: Trump decided to pass on the White House correspondents dinner. Thank freaking God. I don’t know which would have been worse: watching him sitting there trying to take jokes made about him in stride, or attempting to make jokes himself. First of all, all the best joke writers are Jewish, gays, Democrats or all three, and I very much doubt any of them would take the gig. And second, Donald Trump has the comedy timing of the Interrupting Cow. Indeed, considering the incessant anti-press attitude of pretty much his entire administration, one almost wonders if they should even bother having it over the next four years. Zach Braff, as it turns out, has put forward the ideal compromise: have Alec Baldwin host AS Trump. With the SNL staff as part of this, it could be the best press dinner in ages. Certainly it would be up there with Luther, Obama’s anger translator.

What a Great Vacation

We tend to travel all over the map, but typically it’s in connection with conventions. So last month we decided to keep driving south after Farpoint Convention in Maryland and wound up in Florida. We spent a week in Orlando, staying in a cabin at Fort Wilderness and then moving on to Disney’s Caribbean Beach where our room was done up like a pirate ship. We also spent a day at Universal so that I was able to see the new Harry Potter section, and I also visited the Hulk ride at Islands of Adventure where my name was posted up on a list of officers who were connected with the gamma ride: a list that included J. Buscema, J. Romita and S. Lee. I was a lowly Corporal, but hey, it’s an honor just to be remembered. I traveled the lengths of the Magic Kingdom and Disney Hollywood, and Kath and Caroline later ran around Epcot while I just hung out and collapsed at our room. We also had dinner at my favorite pizza place, Giordanos, with several of our Disney friends (including one guy who was there the evening I proposed to Kath at the late, lamented Adventurers Club.) It was overall a great time and if I ever retire, I’ll probably move down to Orlando and get a job at the park.