Campaign, Day Three–First Thank You level reached

I have to admit, I am somewhat stunned that we got to the first thank you level that fast. A huge shout out should go out to Robert Kirkman who donated an insanely large amount of money, which means I’m going to have to start watching “The Walking Dead.”

So, just as I promised, the story “Memento Morrie” has been posted onto the Crazy 8 website. Which means that we can now focus on the next level of $55,000. I was wondering what to make it and decided to start turning my attention to what started it all: Space Cases. So my daughter Caroline has been going through all my old video tapes from when the show was in production, and has turned up some gems. When we hit level $55,000, I will put up on Youtube the never-before-seen gag reel from the second season of Space Cases. Walter Jones, the Black Power Ranger, as our lead Harlan. A teenage girl named Jewel Staite as our engineering genius (yes, we reached through time and space and ripped off Joss Whedon ten years early.) Plus the rest of our wonderful cast who brought each script to life. Watching it brought back all manner of pleasant memories of the series, its cast and crew and my collaboration with the immortal Bill Mumy.

In the meantime, enjoy Memento Morrie.