Day 6 Kath Speaks

Kath here. I asked Peter if I could write an entry for this campaign.

First off I want to say Thank you from all of us for all that you have done. Every dollar, share, retweet, article, blog entry, word of mouth, prayer, and kind thought has helped us immensely.

We are about three quarters of the way to what we need to make this long nightmare go away.

Some positives that have happened is that through some help and advise we were able to get the IRS to give us a little more time before taking everything away.

We still have the sword of Damocles hanging over our head, but the thread is a little stronger than it was giving us the chance to really get our act together.

We are talking to people who have offered us help with the issue at hand. I hope that we might be able to get a reduction but I am not counting on it because of things that have happened in the past where there has been no situational forgiveness or hardship allowance. We would really like to pay them the money and get ourselves back to an even keel so we can take care of our other finances.

A lot of people want to know how we are going to keep from falling back into the same hole that we were in.

Short version is that we are going to start, after we get our debt to the IRS paid, a Patreon account where we will be publishing new work and work that we have that hasn’t seen the light of day. We are going to be doing behind the scenes entries and Peter’s writing process. All the money from that is going into an account that is ear marked for taxes only, both federal and New York State including the insane worker’s comp tax that Peter pays which he will never see a dime of but has to pay anyway but that’s a rant for another day.

We are so close but we do need your help getting that last quarter of the money that can save us from losing everything.

This was hard for us to do. It is something that we have been carrying around with us in our heads for going on 20 years now. We have tried so hard to take care of it ourselves and we fell short.

You have given us hope that we haven’t had in years and that means a lot not only to Peter but to Caroline and myself.

So I thank you for your support so far and ask for your help in getting us to the point where we can take care of this mess once and for all.

EDIT for a good suggestion to put the links in each entry.

The Go Fund Me campaign

Paypal account is

If you would rather not donate online, checks can be made out to Peter David and sent to PO Box 951, Bayport, NY 11705